Prologue Chapter 5

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"Hey henchmen. Why are ya so nice to me? I mean I know I'm great but most people don't understand that greatness." Grim asks as they walk down another hallway. They just finished another class and were off to the final class, gym.

"Well I believe everyone deserves to be treated the same. To be treated with respect and dignity. I have my own experiences, so I can imagine your situation." Neuvillette says. Living in Fontaine with human and melusines taught him many things. He learnt the hardships that they two species endure.

They both find a bung of the same classmates head for the change room and join them. Neuvillette did his best to quickly change and head out on the field. Grim stud at his side ready too.

"I wonder what we'll do now. I hope we'll get to learn something supper cool and not some borin lesson." Grim complains. One by one people line up beside him.

"All right you bunch of sticks. Today is your first in my class! As warm up I want 100 sit ups and 100 push ups! Afterwards you'll do a 1km run." Mr. Vargas instructed.

Neuvillette looked both horrified and intrigued by the man and his warm up. He of course could do this easily but looking at the other classmates beside him it wasn't the case for everyone.

There were two students though that didn't complete react. One being a tall boy with what seemed to be wolf ears and the other being an almost equally tall boy with green hair.

Neuvillette and the other two lead the group when it came to the 1km run. No one said anything though as they ran in silence.

After Gym Grim and Neuvillette headed to the cafeteria. Grim complained the whole way there.

"Do we have to? Can't that Ace guy do it, he was the one who started the whole thing."

"You were equally part of the problem. All three of us will clean the hundred windows, and don't worry it should go fast if we all work together." Neuvillette says as he urges Grim to keep going.

"But do we have ta?! I'm tired from gym..I can't wash a hundred windows." Grins whines again. "And hey where's the Ace fellow huh? Especially after what he did!"

Neuvillette sighed and started looking around for Ace. Grim kept whining but followed alone in the search for the ginger. The two waited for a while until it became clear that Ace was a no show.

"It appears that Ace is nowhere to be found. What do you say we go look for him Grim?" Neuvillette offered and stud up. Grim growled and huffed.

" could that guy! Of course! I need ta show that guy what happens when ya cross me!"

Grim and Neuvillette began their search for Ace, the first place they decided to look was in one of the first year classrooms.

"Hey Ace! Ya better not be skipping out!" Grim yells out only to be met with silence. "Mmh maybe there really isn't anyone here.."

"I wouldn't say that, I'm here too"

"Neuvillette turns to only see a painting on the wall. The painting was a classic in its style, one that Neuvillette recognized to be similar to one from Fontaine.

"Ghaaa! The-the painting just..talked!" Grim yelled and ran to hide behind Neuvillette.

"Yes and..? Is a talking painting really such an oddity at this school?" The painting huffs and talks back. "The lady in that portrait over there talks too."

"This is the first time I meet such a thing and we're both still rather new to the school. So yes we are a bit surprised by a talking painting." Neuvillette explained for both him and Grim's sake.

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