season 3 ep1 Paintball victory (julia pov)

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Gasps were heard.
It was quiet.

Wayne was on the floor. All soaken in blue paint. He saved me. "WAYNE!" I shouted as I crouched down beside him. He was covered head to toe in blue paint. "Why would you save me?" I ask. "I don't know." Wayne answered. "WAYNE HAS BEEN SHOT THATS LEADS THE UNPREDICTABLE FROGS TO 5!" the intercom roared. I heard a another shot. It was scary girl. She was now covered in red paint thanks to Raj. "Ugh! No fun!" Scary girl complained. "SCARY GIRL HAS BEEN SHOOTED! THAT LEADS THE TOXIC BEAVERS TO 3!" the intercom roared. "Chase check the left and Zee check the right!" Raj ordered. I got up and took the paintball gun off my back. Wayne saved me and it was time for me to repay the favour. I sneaked off and went to the Toxic Beavers hideout in secret. I needed to get out Caleb. I heard them chatting as I hid in the bushes."its just Raj,Julia,Mk,Chase and Zee left" Millie spoke. "We Need to get out Mk.. she been destroying our teams guns!" Bowie said. "Yes let's get moving!" Caleb answered. "Not on my watch.." I whispered. I aimed the paintball gun at Caleb and shooted. The paintball hit Caleb hard as he fell. He was now covered in red paint. "What?.. how?.. one of the enemy is close.." Bowie whispered. "Caleb has been shot which leads the Toxic Beavers to 2!" The intercom shouted. Bowie looked around and saw me. "Julia.. I should have known." Bowie mumbled. "Who tried to shoot me!?" I shouted as I aimed the paintball gun. "Bowie did.." Mille spoke. I aimed my paintball gun at Mille and shooted her. Mille fell to the ground in red paint. My eyes quickly fall to Bowie. "Why did you try to shoot me!?.." I shout. "Because I don't understand why Wayne picked you instead of me!" Bowie answered. He also kept his paintball gun high in the air aimed at me. "You're at a lost Bowie. It just you!" I roared. Bowie was about to say something but he fell. There was Chase. "You okay Julia?" Chase asked. "Yeah I'm fine.. thanks through." I answered. "No problem" he said. "MILLE AND BOWIE HAS BEEN SHOOTED. THE UNPREDICTABLE FROGS WIN!" the intercom shouted. Me and Chase went to the Tent where the others were. The people who had been paint on them had towels on their backs. Wayne had his cap soaken in blue paint. "As you can see... All the Toxic Beavers are soaken and caught which means The Unpredictable Frogs win!" Chris declared. "That was one big show to watch. I should have brought popcorn" Chef added. "We should have gone after Axel then Chase.." Emma grumbled. Priya nodded. "Caleb she's right. Why did we try to get rid of Damien first?.." Priya asked. "Because..I thought if we got rid of the bait they have to keep adding more people as bait.. " Caleb answered. "Toxic Beavers we will see you tonight at the elimation ceremony. Unpredictable Frogs can dry up and relax tonight!" Chris announced. Wayne nodded. We then all left and went to the cabins. Damien,Axel and Wayne had a shower then they got dressed in fresh clothes. "Hey.." I whisper to Wayne. "Hey.." Wayne whispered back. "Why did you save me?" I whisper. "I don't know. I always give people a second chance.." Wayne whispered. That took me by surprise. Wayne gave me a second chance?.. that's kind of nice for him to do..

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