chapter 3 training

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Lucy's point of view

In the Dragon world

"Noo don't come any closer!" I yelled cuz I was scared for my life
"Princes what is wrong I promise I will not hurt you I have been sworn to protect you from any harm after all we are family" said acnologia
"Wait what well if That's the case then why did you attack me and my friends on tenjroisland 2 year's ago"i yelled still too scared "wait you were there. Oh I'm so sorry princess I had no idea what my dragon form does I really don't have any control over it
But if you must know I was at tenjroisland to find zeref and END to
Destroy them before they get stronger but I failed "Acnologia said apologetically "wait what do you mean you weren't in control
I don't understand why wouldn't you have any control " I said confused
"Well when ever I use my dragon form it's either for hunting or to do missions but for some reason I go in auto pilot " he said ashamed
"Oh well then wait why am I here and why did you call us family" I asked curiously "well princess you are here because you're mother my wife told me that you can use every kind of magic but you will have 3 different dreams tonight first dragons then gods then human magic session's
And Layla told me that you are my long lost child because you're mother took you away from me when you were very little and we were in the middle of a civil war of dragons and
Humans so when you were 1
She took you away to protect you but we were going to lose so I decided to close the gate That separates the dragon world from the human world
Even knowing that I would never be able to see you again" Acnologia said on the verge of tears
"O my mom I never knew that.i never knew I had another father "
I said crying lightly "so does that mean I'm not human and I'm a dragon" I said walking closer to him and he said " well part human part god and part dragon and part ittalian"
(The Last one was a joke)
He said then I had a painful feeling in my head and I groaned in pain I saw bits and pieces of what looked like memories but I saw acnologia and in the memory he told me to be brave and that he loved me and that someday I would return home then I remembered everything that I didn't know. " god you you don't know how much I missed y-" I cut him off with a gentle hug "I'm to remember everything but I remember enough to know that you're not lying " I said crying "I missed you so much lucy you will never know how much I love you " "I love you to daddy "I said cheerfully .
"So when do we start training well if you want to that is" I said
"Right now because business is business "he said "but after we can catch up " he added
"OK so what's first "
" well since you are going to learn all magic I think we should start with dragon slayer magic but we have to put allot of magic power into you so all of the dragons have to give you the magic power all at once to do that we need to tie you up because If we don't you could die so let me explain. To be able to use all dragon slayer magic it needs to bond with your soul and your soul is the size of a softball so we have a machine to put it into a golf ball sized ray of imence power but you have to take it all and if you don't you could die so that's why we have to tie you up so you don't move outof the target,do you understand lucy? "
"Yeah I understand " I said
"Good so because there are so many dragons we are just going to give you the power from the strongest of the dragons."
Who are the strongest daddy"
"The black dragon of apocalypse me,the great fire dragon king igneel, the great sky empress grandeenie,the iron dragon metalicana,the water dragon aquarium, the ice dragon king frostwin ,the space and time dragon king Alltaire,the muscle dragon banchee, the shadow dragon skiadrum, his twin brother weieslogia,the earth dragon Terra, and last but not least the celestial dragon qween celestiana. Any questions before we start ?" "Yeah,how long will it take for me to learn it all?" "Well you should master it all in one year but your new body has a enchantment on it That says that when the body learns new magic you could use it only a couple of times and master it but if you'd like I can take it off to do it the old fashion way but it could take at least 50 years to master it all" " no I want to keep the enchantment thank you though. By the way WILL it hurt when the power connects and merges with my soul?"I said a little nervous
"Yes you will be in the most pain you have ever felt in your entire life but I heard that if you think about someone dear to you the then it shouldn't be as painful but that's just what I heard" " OK let's do this".I was then taken to a big room that had all the dragons in human form , there was a huge cannon looking thing and 15 feet away there was an O shaped circle that was upright and there were shackles with chains an there were 2 hanging and 2 on the ground and the they put them on my wrists and ankles ten seconds later the chains were pulling in the oposited direction and that hurt a little then all the dragons touched the the machine and closed they're eyes then it startedto hurt allot in my chest and I was screaming bloody fucking marry then I thought about the guild and my friends and my spirits and one person in particular Natsu god if only I could see him again I would tell him that I loved him and never wanted to leave his side and that I would do anything for him but the pain didn't stop so I passed out from the pain and after that it stopped then when I opened my eyes I was in a really bright room
But I was in a bed and I saw my mother siting on the bed smiling at me "mom your here dad told that the gods/goddesses were next so when do we star training"i asked " right now but it's going to be a little more short" then she started to glow then she put her left hand on her heart and put her right hand on mine then I started to glow "mom what are y-!"then I was had a painful felling all over my body and I was screaming louder then I ever had before It felt like it was an hour of tourcher and it was it was more painful than that machine in the dragon world then what seemed like another 30 maby 40 minutes I heard my mom say she loved me an I blacked out from the pain when I open my eyes again I was in a bed in what looked like a library then I saw Mavis "lucy are u ok " she asked concerned " yeah. Wait Why am I here and thought there were supposed to be 3 dreams " I said " lucy you are not alright you were screaming bloody marry and you were glowing gold tell me what's happening to you " "OK I will explain it all " it took an hour to explain. Mavis just sat there wide eyed "do you understand now?"I asked "yeah but when are you still holding that huge dusty book in your hands I looked down at it and it was in dragon script
"What does it say "mavis asked me curiously" it says only the one with true power can open this book and at the bottom of the book it says all of Earthland spells and magic in one book and it says the Author is mathyus .j.k longheart "I said very curious about the book

Cliffhanger. .............................

Lucy" wait that's it "

Me "yup"

Lucy " why it was getting really good"

Mavis "I agree it is very mysterious I love it "

Me " thanks mavis, now can someone please tell the readers the disclaimer"

Mavis " tridentB doesn't own fairy tail Hiroshima does. Now when does lucy open that mysterious book "she says curiously

Me "next time mavis but it will be harder than you think it's gonna be anyways bye guys

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