chapter 12

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Tridents pov

"So do you want to kill a god?"
What does he mean by that and why "um what do you mean exactly?" "I mean do you want to become a god slayer there are only 4 of them and if you get out of here alive then you will have to find them all and band together to either kill or join the dragon slayer's and then depending on Wich side you choose to be on Wether it's to fight for zeref or to kill him either way someone will win but if you choose to be a fighter for zeref you will die but you'll save the world for eternity " "so how do I kill you?""say I trident anrow have decided to take up the call of a god and become the world's champion until I lay down to die and if that happens I will pass on the power of gods onto the next champion " "OK here we go, I trident anrow have decided to take up the call of a god and become the world's champion until I lay down and die and if that was to happen I will pass on the power of the gods onto the next champion " then I started to glow like blue and white and I felt really really cold but comfortable and then I felt pain I have never experienced since I was very very little and then the ice god vanished into thin air and then the door opened and there stood jackle and he was pissed "where is he?" He said angrily "who?""don't act dumb you know exactly what I mean do you really want me to tourcher you or do you want to tell me " he said yelling at me "fine fine I'll tell you, he is dead and out of your clutches forever" I said with a grin on my face and then I was punched in the face over and over again until I was coughing up 2 pints of blood and then my face glowed and then everything went black

Mean while with the crime sciorcire and meledy's pov

"So jellal said to come to this exact spot at this particular time and this place god one day I'm gonna stop listening to him i mean there is literally nothing here and even if there was I am supposed to follow the target and I have to wait for backup,I can't believe that jellal and even midnight for that matter doesn't even trust me and I'm 19 and he still treats me like I'm 14 and I'm talking to myself again great " I closed my eyes and looked up at the sun "wow the sun feels amazing " and then I opened my eyes and what I saw was a huge giant block that was in the sky "that mustbe it ,ok so he said the mission was to find trident anrow and jellal said it was life or death but I'm not waiting around for the others I'm going to finish the job all by myself and proof that I'm as strong as ul and even natsu dragneel " so I chanted a spell and sprouted angle wings I found it by a spell book but that doesn't matter right now, I was flying very very fast until I realized I crashed inside and my head hurt and I was at a black wooden door and I opened it and found two people on the other side of the door

Tridents pov

When I came to I was on the ground and still had my shackles on and jackle was about to hit me again and then the door opened and stood there was a beautiful long pink haired girl and looked like around 20 or 19 she had a huge chest and she was like 5 foot 8 and wore red and a blue hooded cape had head phones "who the fuck are you and what are you doing her-" but jackle was cutoff by a kick to the balls and he was down for the count "C'mon I assume you are trident anrow we have to leave now and like right now " how does she know my name" yeah I'm trident anrow and you are?" Then she took off her hood and I saw all of her and she was even more beautiful than I thought she was" I'm meledy and I have no last name so it's just meledy alright we should go" then my shackles came off by themselves and behind meledy was a very very angry keoyoka already extending her fingers and about to shoot at meledy "meledy! Look out!" And I pushed her out of the way so it was going for me welp shit why am I such a hero i mean why even try to be a hero when you know your not even going to be thanked for helping out or saving someone's life I ..I just hope it was worth it, then I felt a cold hand holding my arm and pulled me into a hug and we went flying off the base well more like flying into the air and then rapidly falling down to the ground but then I felt pain in my side shit ,did I get hit while getting pulled into the hug I was definitely bleeding a lot and then I realized that it was meledy that saved me and then she looked at me with those beautiful green eyes and time stopped as we looked at one another and then I realized we were on the ground unhurt exept me "oh shit when we're you stabbed shit it looks really bad " she noticed "no really I didn'tknow captain obvious " " hey no need to be rude I did just save your life y'know" "You saved my life no princess I think you got that backwards I saved your lif-ugh!!!"I was cut off by imence pain from where I got shot by the thorns "oh .....shit I ..I think that the bullet is still inside of me need to get it out of me other wise I'll die in minutes and trust me princess it is not pretty "

Time skip after meledy takes out the bullet and starts to Rapp the wound up to stop the bleeding

"Seriously thanks for saving my sorry ass back there I ..I really appreciate it " "right back at you so how do you feel " " better than before that's for sure" she started wiping my face with a cold wet rag that felt nice at the touch " what are you doing" I asked "you have a fever so I took it upon myself to help you get better "I was really tired and hot but I was falling asleep "meledy?" " Yeah " she said sweetly "you're eyes are so beautiful and you're beautiful " then she was blushing "thank you trident no one has ever said that to me before" "well then other people are fucking idiots if the don't worship your beauty like a priest would worship a god" "thank you that's really sweet of you to say " " so tell me how you came across magic " " um ok well let's see I was about 4or5 and my village was raided and sacked and my family was burnt alive and was taken to be taken care of by a guild called grimour heart and I learned tons of magic and a lost magic called fire god slayer magic and I was given it by a guy that passed the power on to me and yeah the fire cushioned the fall so we weren't hurt so what about you I told you my life story so tell me yours " " I dunno it's kinda a long one and sad and not that interesting " Oh C'mon I would love to hear it and plus we've got all the time in the world at least until you've fully recovered " she said looking curious and exited "OK fine fine ,it all started when I was 3 or 4 and my village was raided and sacked and all of the children there was captured by people with masks my sister who had dark red hair and brown eyes was taken also but I was left behind to starve and die when I ventured off into the woods and that's when I heard a roar and I found a dragon and I remember I was crying and the dragon was really kind and he asked me what was wrong and I told him everything and then he took me under his wing and taught me time and space dragon slayer magic then when I was 7 he left me alone and never returned since then then a family took me in and after I turned 8 so a whole year I lived on my own but the family that adopted me was a nice one and the let me use they're sir name the anrows were kind and they cared for one another and thankfully I was apart of that so naturally they cared for me too and I cared for them,then about a month ago I came home after working out and training the town that we lived in was in the middle of a raid and it was tartaros and about 69 or 100 bandit guilds and my family was being killed in front of me and I fought back I probably took out 20 or 25 bandit guilds before jackle took me down for the count and when I woke up jackle told me that all of my family was murdered by him and his guild and.... and ...he ....oh god.." I rubed my hands together with my head down "If you want you don't have to tell me everything " " no its fine , he told me that all of the bandits and the tartaros guild members raped and killed my mother and sisters one after an other and the jackle did it and then when he was done with them they blew up before he could ejaculate inside of them and then he showed me the lacrima's footage and it's all true every last word they're dead because of me,because I wasn't strong enough to save them " I was cut off by a very very tight hug " I am so so sorry I should have never asked you have had a very very sad life but y'know what I'll stay with you I'll be your family you can join my independent guild come with me you'll be able to travel and see the world and save people who need saving you'll be a real hero" "I would love that so where is your guild "" first things first you have to heal " after she said that I fainted off into a dreamless sleep with just one thought on my mind
How much I'm in love with meledy.





Me : dude stop preaching to the qwiyer ( I think that's how you spell it )

Natsu: fire dragon roar!!

Me: despell , you were saying!

Lucy:bye guys see you in the next chapter

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