chapter 14

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Lucy's point of view At the dragonWorld palace

OK I've been through a lot these past 8 years since I joined fairy tail and I've been in pain a lot during those years but I have never experienced this much pain not even from the power machine I felt like my whole body was destroying itself on the inside out and the worst part was that I wasn't the only one in pain because something happened when my dad found out about my other friends not being dragon slayer's and well let's just say I tried to stop him but apparently he had like 50 more of those damn forsaken machines and when they were sleeping he and the dragons put them in the machines and yup you guessed it juvia,mira,romeo,kinana,and lastly my dear friend levy were all put into that machine juvia got water dragon slayer magic Mira got nature and earth dragon slayer magic and also devil dragon slayer magic and romeo he got lava dragon slayer magic and kinana got first generation poison dragon slayer magic witch by the way makes kinana and cobra totally perfect for eachother and levy got elemental dragon slayer magic witch means she was in the machine longer than the others any way we were all transforming into dragons and we couldn't stop it so I tried to tell everyone to think about someone or something you care about through my mind reading power and I also taught them to do it to they Sent me messages like fuck you and your family and life , I'm guessing that was from laxus or cobra then I heard ,lucy it hurts so much please help me it hurts to much , I'm guessing that was from the girls, and then I heard lucy where are you please don't leave me alone I'm in so much pain please hold me please I love you, I'm guessing that was from natsu and after that my pain sky rocketed from the pain I felt in my dreams to ten billion times that and that was my breaking point and I was screaming out in pain like I never screamed before and it sounded like a dragon roar and then I felt nothing and I blacked out from the feeling

Acnologia ' s pov

Lucy did it she transformed into a dragon
Well I guess she is my daghter
After I said that everyone else transformed into dragons themselves they were going to be the dragon world's most strongest champions ever even stronger than the elder dragons
And when they wake up they will be able to use they're new power and they'll be ready to take down zeref "hey grampa is mama gonna be alright " said dawn the earth land exceed " Yes child although they will be resting for about two days they will be fine hey what's troubling you?" " um it's just that the other exceeds are being rude to me again but panther Lilly he was trying to help me out and the exceeds got mad at panther Lilly and. ..." " oh child it will be alright don't worry about it and just keep your head up you are my favorite grandchild so you have to be strong " ( by the way dawn is in her human form/ dog form )
"I will grampa I promise " "good girl now it's high Time for bed so off you go " " good night grampa " "good night child "

Lucy's point of view

I woke up in my bed with natsu next to me and yeah I was naked again but I couldn't see my clothes on the floor exept for small pieces of fabric of my out fit thank mavis I wasn't wearing my celestial outfit but still it was a cute shirt and jeans and then I realized that me and natsu wasn't the only ones in the bed but dawn was also in bed with us and she was in human form and in between me and natsu and it was the middle of the night so I decided to go back to to sleep

When I woke up it was morning and dawn was gone and natsu was getting up so I decided to lay on him until he was fully awake "hey beautiful what you doing " natsu whispered in my ear " oh nothing just waiting for you to get up is all by the way how are you feeling? " " um I feel like I can use dragon force willingly and then eat the sun and then the core of the earth in a mere second and a half " "wow so much energy well how about we focus that energy and aply it to certain things? " I said seductively and then kissed him hard " ok but I'mean shouldn't we do that later today because well we don't know how long we have been asleep and yeah " " Yeah you're right " after that we both got out of bed and got dressed and headed down the hall and saw everyone in the conference room and all of them were sitting by they're mates and even my mom and dad were sitting with each other and sting was talking to Rouge and the twins were talking about who would win in a fight between me Mira and laxus and my dad but I knew the answer to the question and that would be me " so are we all here ?" My dad said "yup so dad how long were we out for?" "Four days and it was supposed to be 2 day's but for some reason you were asleep for four days " " we slept for four days and nobody thought of waking us up" " well you are dragons now and that means you can be very very cranky if someone interrupts you slumber and well we didn't want to bother the cleaning lady on her day off to clean blood off the walls and floor and you get the idea " " so tell me how did we do dad?" " first let me congratulate every one here of becoming dragons and lucy you were the first to turn and every one else followed after you but because you turned first you are the leader " " what I turned first, so tell me are we going to be in pain every time we turn or" " no because you already turned its gonna be a lot easier to transform from now on " then the doors that were shut opened and there stood jackle and he was pissed and I stood up and started running at him every one else did the same and every one was ready to fight "BLACK DRAGONS SECRET ART APOCALYPTIC OBLITERATION! " I yelled and missed" shit , natsu your up " " right , fire dragon wing attack " it hit but he didn't go down " Open FITH ORIGIN ,SUN,AND BLACK DRAGONS SECRET ART APOCALYPTIC BURNING LIGHT !!" AND HE WAS HIT we did it " this means war dragon slayer scum and he burned to ashes .


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