# 8 #A Dragon problem

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Lucy's point of view

"Lucy my sweet we have a very very big problem like infinity clock big"
When my father said "infinity clock"
A Lot Of traumatic Memories came back up there were my fake memories and my real memories and they were clashing inside my head and it was hard to tell the difference between the two sides one was too good to be true and the other  was good memories mixed with bad one's
" please tell it's something that doesn't have to do with the infinity clock "
I said partly screaming partly asking
"No its something that has to do with dragons and dragon slayer's " " oh OK well don't scare us like that I almost had a heart attack" I said relieved
"Hey lucy who is this guy" natsu whispered in my ear " oh that's right I haven't introduced you guys Natsu this is my dad,dad this is natsu my boyfriend but you'll know him as acnologia " I said plainly "what, stop joking around lucy there is no way this guy is acnologia he's like 60feet tall and 100foot long" "I a sure you that I am acnologia and I am sorry for what I did to you two but it was all just business and not at all personal anywho we have a problem " "what is it dad " " Do you remember under the collysyum(I'm not sure how that's spelled )and you found all those dragon bones and you talked to that ghost about my origin" me and natsu both nod twice "well it turns out that what happened to me is going to happen to you and all the dragon slayer's and we need all the dragon slayer's to come here even the ones with lacrima's

Lucy is queen of the Dragon slayer'sWhere stories live. Discover now