chapter 16 sorrows

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Lucy's point of view

People are expendable all ways expendable doesn't mater how far you break them they're bound to be brought back to they way it was ....but I didn't feel like that I felt my whole world come crashing down I had no one who was feeling what I felt right this instant and there was no stopping my rage and power obliterating the earth inside out I ...I ...I just wanted to live happily ever after you know like from one of those fairy tail's in those books I used to read when I was young but iv now learned that there is no dieing happily there aren't even happily ever after ' s and this Is most certainly not a fairy tail it's the real world

Dawn's pov

When I woke up I realized I was in pain and it hurt and then I realized I was in fairy tail imfirmarry and panther lilly and happy and Carla and frosche and lector and the dragons and the dragon slayer's but natsu and mommy wasn't here "wh..what happened ....where is mommy and natsu ?" I asked and every one seemed to get really really really sad and worried "dawn you were hurt pretty bad and then some wendy passed out from saving you from the brink of death and we don't know where lucy and natsu are " said happy then we heard a loud portal open and then we heard "Noooooo!!!!!!!" "Lucy please stop screaming were safe your fine " "no there dead....they're both dead and I did nothing to stop it natsu my parents are dead, they're dead and it's all my fault ,it's all my fault, it's all my fault " she cried out "mommy I'm coming " I said and tried to get out of bed but was stopped by panther Lilly he was holding me down " dawn your not ready to walk yet please just stay where you are I couldn't live with my self if you got worse if you were not fully healed " he said strictly with tears dripping down his face "lilly? " "I won't lose you you hear me you are the strongest of all exceeds and I ...i'm in love with you dawn so that's why I will all ways protect you and I will never let you go!" "Lilly? " I said shocked and suprized and then I giggled "what is it what's so funny " (by the way they both are in they're human forms ) I cut him off by kissing him " took you long enough " I said panting

Lucy's point of view At fairy tail

"Why me? ,why is it always me? Natsu please explain to me why our God hates me so much to just make me go through all of this pain "I said bawling into my boyfriend's chest " well at least you can become stronger and get revenge on zeref and this won't be a mission it will be war there will be death and sorrow but you lucy you will live because you are a survivor " " natsu u never answered my question in Veronica " I said sniffling "Is magic bad? Because if magic made me cry then there must be a magic or..or spell to make me stop crying " and then he lifted up my chin and brought it to his mouth and we stayed like that for a while and we pulled apart for air "how was that for an answer " and I stopped crying "um natsu ,princess lucy we have a problem " "what " "it's the dragons were dying " "what!?"
"Well without a king and queen of the Dragon world all of the dragons will die and not thrive to peace so our life force will be obliterated completely " we were all shocked by this "igneel C'mon stop joking around lucy just lost her parents please be a little more sensitive " yelled natsu "I wish I was joking around but this is no joke if the dragons die then that means you dragon slayer's die too " "well how do you stop it " yelled someone named trident "well that's the difficult part you need to have a king and queen and they have to be married to each other and they must love each other very much so they could have a magical bond between each other and while that happens it bounds all dragons together " "so any takers?" Natsu said "idiot the future king and queen need to be next in line of the two royal family's and that was mine and layla's my brother acnologia was first in line and I am second in line but my old age won't help this situation" "well that sucks " said trident "I know how about natsu " yelled mira "what wait he's not really my son and he was really never introduced into the fire dragon line " "but he's you're son and your only heir so that means he's next in line right?" Said levy "true, natsu what do you think ?" "Father I would do you proud if you allowed me into the family line " "alright fine now we have a king so all that is next is to get a queen " "well you said only from the royal family lines and all that is left is sting and lucy's line" said levy "hey lucy I know you just lost your parents but can I ask you a favor?" "What is it natsu "I said holding in my tears and put on a fake smile " come with me " we walked over 6 feet from where everyone else was and then he pulled something out of his pocket and then bent down on one knee and said "lucy heartfillia I have always loved you" no way he can't be not at this time ,not right now "and if you would like I was wonderingif you would " no no no this can't be happening and natsu was getting the others attention and then he pulled out a box from his pocket and opened it and there was a ring the size of my ring finger ,why why now of all times why now is he this dense "would you like to be my partner forever? " I I couldn't breath I had eyes on me and natsu and everyone else staring in suprize and I stared into natsu's eyes those beautiful golden eyes (I'm using the same thing how when a dragon chooses his mate his eye color changes to the color of the other persons hair and yeah lucy's blonde hair is natsu's eyes and lucy's eyes are pink) but saw a huge glint in them that said we were ment to be together and then I thought about everything we did together and I mean everything to saving me from falling out of the sky twice to on that cliff and to seeing him again to my first kiss no scratch that our first kiss ,and a single tear went down both sides of my eyes and then he said "hey luce um you kinda need to say something " he said while he flashed his signature smile "YES!" I yelled while crying "Yes,yes,yes,yes" "of course I'll marry you Natsu" I said while tackling him to the ground in a hug "waoh luce what was that for " "sorry "I giggled "um princess we still have business to descuss "said igneel "oh right sorry " "so tomorrow you and natsu will be married and your corination too so get to planing "

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