chapter 6 suffering

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3 months after lucy died
Grays point of view

I walked into the guild and as usual I saw a pink haired idiot sitting on a stool,he looked like he was bummed out and was In deep thought so I decided to bother him just for fun " hey ash for brains why are you thinking it's bad for your health" he turned his head to where I was standing,ready for anything he throws at me "oh ... hey grey wassup" he said even more bummed "torch hands why are you still bummed out its been 3 months since lucy died get over it already!"
I said harshly trying to get a rise out of him and it kinda worked,
He grabbed the front of my shirt with one fist and squeezed hard like his life was depending on it and his other fist was ready to strike
I smirked at this finally I get to brawl with natsu, but then I saw what scared me even more than one of Ezra's death glares or mira's for that matter what I saw was natsu's face he wasn't mad he wasn't confused he was crying his eyes out I was shocked I've never really seen him cry like this ever
"Don't you dare say that lucy deserves 3 months she deserves more than that you selfish cold basterd,i...I loved her more than anything and your saying to get over her?!!"I was shocked to see him confess his feelings for lucy in front of the guild "Natsu let grey go right this instant!" Yelled a barely stable Ezra "fine if anyone needs me I'll be at lucy's grave!" Said natsu "natsu i....i'm sorry" I said apologetically "tell it to her gave"he said coldly.

Lisannas pov

Dammit even with that blonde dead she is still giving me trouble what is so special about her any way what was she to every one?,seriously it's pissing me off
I mean did the whole guild get affected by her death . I take a look around and I see Mira and Elfman
But Mira isn't smiling like always and Elfman doesn't say anything about manliness anymore , what did I exactly do?

No one's pov

These last 6 years have been tourcher for the guild and was not as bad as when lisanna supposedly died maby it had to do with the fact that therewas no body to be found but in lucy's case the whole guild saw her dead painful looking broken body so there was no mistaking her as missing or in an other world or demention to go to some day to find her and bring her back home to fairy tail lucy was dead and dead is dead she beat so many enemies in that last battle
And we later found out that they were all demons from the book of zeref she killed 2000 of them and at her funeral service she was given rank 2 of the ten wizard saints not just that but every Ally of fairy tail
Was there from the Quatro puppy guild to the laima scale to the blue Pegasus guild and even sabertooth showed up which was a suprize because minerva was crying and sting was in the backround with black sunglasses next to a parked magic motercycle with a crying lector . Bachuse (I think that's how you spell his name )found out about how many demons lucy took down " wow she was some WILD!!chick" out of all of blue Pegasus hibeki was hit the hardest over lucy's death " dammit am I cursed or something it's like everything and everyone I touch sooner or later ends up being killed, god why me lucy was one of my greatest friends from the alliance and now she's gone just like Karen my life officially sucks" hibeki thought to himself even flare was there but she was at a far away distance and was crying

Stings pov after the funeral

"Dammit salamander why didn't you protect her,you should have given her to sabertooth so we could have protected her I bet you didn't even try to save her" that coment earned sing a right hook to the face "bastard don't you dare assume that I tried everything but the damage was too great nothing could be done to save her I spent 3 days finding the most powerful healers in the entire world and no one could bring her back,maby you're right about I should have given you her so you could protect her if I did maby she'd still feel alive "natsu yelled crying out to me then he fell to his knees and started to sob into his hands " yeah be maby but I guess we will never know now will we"i said harshly "later salamander" I rode back to sabertooth in silence.

Back to 6 years after lucy died

No one's pov in the guild

"Listen up brats the aniversery is tomorrow so I want every one at lucy's grave! understand " " Yes master" the whole guild yelled back in zombie mode

Natsu's pov

"Listen up brats the aniversery is tomorrow so I want everyone at lucy's grave! understand " we all yelled back in unison "Yes master"
Man I am so bummed this is the worst time of the year.just then the guild doors opened and 2 figures started walking in the I saw therewas a third figure
So I sniffed the air and I smelled strawberries and vinnella and wet dog and what smelled like tenroujima island "who are you?!!"I yelled because I was pissed off because the scent reminded me of lucy the tall one saw me and stepped into the light and I saw exactly who it was and I was shocked "no...... it c..can't be Lucy"


I am getting too bored of doing the after skit so I am just going to do the disclaimer

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