Chapter 4: Some time passes

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At this point, Alicent had been working for the V's for a few years now; they offered her a place to live, paid her pretty well, and overall, she was happy because she got to use her talents. She even learned more about Hell and the overlords and realized that she was working for overlords. That was when she realized how lucky she was to not be in a contract. It became a pretty frequent thing for Vox to come to the studio and complain to Val about another overlord named Alastor. She had never met him (at least not in the afterlife), but she knew Vox couldn't stand him. The only thing she didn't like about her job was some of the things Val made her do. She was a different kind of performer than she expected she would be, but she was just thankful to have all of these things without having to give away her soul! Her friend Angel wasn't so lucky. He had been living at the V's tower but had moved to the Hazbin Hotel. She didn't really see the point in it; while she wanted to desperately to escape this literal hell she was in, she didn't think the hotel would work, so why move and just make Val mad for no reason? She understood why Angel left; Val treated all of his actors terribly, including her, but Alicent made Val a lot of money, and she wasn't bound by a contract, so he wasn't as horrible to her.

The next extermination was set to happen tomorrow, but Alicent knew if she stayed in the Vee's tower she was safe. She usually would watch the broadcast Vox would put on during the exterminations. She was worried about Angel; he had called to tell her about the plan Princess Charlie had come up with and how he was helping, and she hoped that he would stay safe! She had seen a change in him, a good change, and she was proud that he was becoming a better person.

Later, Val had another performance scheduled for tonight at his club because he knew people would want to come with the extermination tomorrow. She didn't really want to because she was worried about Angel and wanted to spend time with him in case something were to happen, but she didn't have much of a choice. When it came time for the performance, she called Angel but didn't get an answer, since he understood what she went through, she usually tried to talk to him before a performance. She went out on stage and did her job, but her mind was elsewhere; it kept wandering off to the image of the man from her past. This happened often even in her sleep; she couldn't get him off her mind even though she had no idea who he was... Val could tell she wasn't giving it her all and her mind was wandering; he made an announcement that she was going to take a break and called her to her dressing room. When they were in there, he slapped her across the face and told her to snap out of it. He said, "I don't know what you are thinking about, but you need to stop it and focus. People have paid good money to see you perform, and you are going to give them a good fucking performance." "Yes, Valentino," she responded; any other response when he gave you an order was considered disrespectful. Fighting back tears, she finished her performance of dancing and singing, then went to her room and tried to call Angel again; she left a message: "Hey Angel, it's me, Alicent. I know you are probably busy getting ready for tomorrow, but I just needed someone to talk to. Val hit me again; my mind was wandering thinking about the man I told you about and he caught me, and I suffered for it. I hope you are doing well. Stay safe tomorrow; talk to you soon." And the call ended

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