Chapter 9: Alastor

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I stand with my back against Alicent's door, breathing heavily. I begin to think to myself, "I feel like I am going insane! That walk felt like one of the longest walks of my life. Carrying Alicent from the studio to the hotel made my cock so hard I am sure you could see it through my pants. I just hope Alicent didn't notice... Gah, Alicent, why do you do this to me? None of this makes sense."

It's at this moment I remember what Vox did to her... not wanting her to know I am standing right outside her door, I contain my anger until I get back to my radio tower. I start to pace back and forth in my tower. "I HATE VOX!" I say aloud. "HOW DARE HE HURT HER ALL BECAUSE SHE WOULDN'T SPY FOR HIM? OHHHHH I WANNA KILL HIM RIGHT NOW! BUT I CAN'T BECAUSE I'M STILL NOT FULLY HEALED FROM THESE FUCKING INJURIES!"

I can feel my horns coming out and the blood dripping from my mouth; this always happens when I show my true demon form. I don't fight it; instead, I decide to make a broadcast. I turn on the mic and connect to the intercom system that runs through the pride ring. "Attention everyone, Alastor here with a very special broadcast," I begin. "Vox thinks he can convince our newest guest at the hotel to spy on me for him, and then when he gets told no, he cannot handle it and decides to get physical and hurt her, so if you are missing Alicent in any of the new videos, the clubs, or as a fashion model for the next week, you know who to blame. Tune in next time! Ta ta for now!"

I disconnect from the intercom system and go sit on my bed, putting my face in my hands. Alicent's description of the man from her past keeps coming to mind. My heart pounds, and finally, I have a brilliant thought! "Okay, so obviously, I am not going to be able to shake the idea that THIS Alicent is possibly (but not likely) the Alicent from my past, so I am going to need to figure out a way to put the pieces together... but how? She doesn't remember anything. There has to be some way for me to help jog her memory."

Just then I hear a knock at the door. I answer it and find Alicent on the phone with someone looking extremely pissed off. "Alicent, you shouldn't be on your ankle, what are you doing?" I say. She responds, "Well, Alastor, my boss just called me and is now mad because he thinks I told you to do that, so I need you to explain how I had no part in what just happened."

She hands me the phone, and before the person on the other line can say anything, I say, "Listen, you allowed our newest resident to get hurt, and I am one of the protectors of the hotel. In fact, you should be thanking me. I said specifically that Vox did it so that the people would be mad at Vox for their favorite porn star being MIA for a while until she recovers."

I immediately hand the phone back to Alicent. She finishes up her phone call while I casually wait for her to hang up the phone. "Sorry about that," she says. "Oh, it's alright. I was just a bit upset earlier and need people to know the truth," I responded.

"Well," she starts, "would you like to have that conversation we put on pause earlier." I think for a moment. "I mean, I guess she has proved to me that I can trust her," I respond. "Sure, please come in."

She goes and sits in the chair while I sit on the bed. "So I think the last thing I asked you was about how a hunter mistook you for a deer," she says. "Oh, yes, well, it's kind of a long story," I say, to which she replies, "I've got time."

So I begin from the beginning, sharing with her about how I had a friend in my past life that I was madly in love with, but when I tried to reveal my true feelings to her, she ran away, and how I never saw her again. Then I explained how the surprising rejection caused me to go literally insane to the point where I became a cannibal, and every time I would kill and eat someone, I would take the bones back to what used to be a place I held dear. Then one early morning, I went to bury my most recent victim, and because it was dark, a hunter saw movement from a distance, thought I was a deer, and shot me. "Then I woke up here," I said as I finished my story.

Her eyes were filled with wonder, and I could tell she was genuinely interested and listening to my story. She responds with, "Wow, I am so sorry that happened to you." Tears begin to fall on her face. I'm not sure how to react; I have never shared this much about myself with anyone, so I never imagined the story of my past life would make someone cry.

She wipes the tears away, and I look at her, and say, "Look, there's no point in living in the past. There's nothing we can do to change it; we just have to move forward." She nods her head and says, "Yeah, I guess. You know, I used to think it was normal for people here not to remember their past lives, but then I realized I was the odd one with no memory. I wish I could remember at least just one more thing about my past life. I would love to remember something else about the man from the only memory I do have, but despite my efforts, I haven't had any luck."

I listen as she tells me these things. I can tell this really bothers her; I guess she wants to unlock her memories just as much as I do. A thought creeps into my mind. "God, she is so beautiful when she is pouring her heart out. Woah, where did that come from? Why am I having these thoughts? I just want to kiss her. Oh my God! Again!" I cannot stop thinking about these things which causes my cock to harden again, I try to sit in a position where it isn't noticeable. My thoughts continue "I wonder what she would do if I were to kiss her? I probably shouldn't, but I really want to." I continue to argue with myself in my head when I notice she stands up and limps over to the bed and sits down next to me. She puts her hand on my shoulder and says with a smile on her face "hey, it will be okay right? We will find a way to bring my memories back, and you will overcome the trauma from your past. We've got this!" Then another thought comes to mind and a surge of impulsiveness overcomes me. "You know what? Fuck it!" 

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