Chapter 5: Alastor (post extermination)

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I sit up in my radio tower, trying not to think about the pain I am in after my fight with Adam. I need to fix my staff still; I haven't done that yet. Maybe I will do that today. It will get my mind off of things. I begin to laugh, "Oh, there was so much blood and violence yesterday, it was beautiful! And look on Husker's face when he realized I wasn't dead was PRICELESS! Oh, what I wouldn't give to see that again!"

I hear a knock at the door. "Yes, come in," I say. Charlie enters the room. "Hey, my dad wants everyone down in the lobby and asked me to come tell you," she says. Oh, I despise that man; you would think for someone so powerful he would be taller. I will say it is fun to torment him and get under his skin, especially when it's about Charlie. "Oh good, something else I don't want to go to. Yes, let me meet your father down in the lobby despite being injured," I say as I stand up.

Charlie says, "Alastor, I'm sure it's important, and I'm just the messenger." I reply, "Yes, dear, I know. I am sure it has to be something that can't wait." Then I fade away and teleport to the lobby and immediately take a seat. I'm not able to use my powers much right now as I'm still healing from battle, and when I do use them, it usually makes me weak. I hate it; I am the radio demon, one of the most powerful overlords there is. I can't afford to be weak.

The others start to pile in as I sit and watch, ignoring Lucifer as he asks how I'm feeling. After everyone was in the lobby, he began to discuss the plan he had on the finishing touches that need to be done in the hotel, and how we will be having a party to celebrate the snake's life. Sir Pentious, I think was his name. I'm not sure; he wasn't very memorable. It was mainly things I assumed would happen anyway. Since I didn't care much, my mind wandered.

It wandered to her... I tried not to think of her... Alicent... Oh, no matter how hard I try, I will never stop loving her. I miss her, even though she rejected me and is the reason I'm here in this shithole in the first place. I've sworn off anything that even resembles a relationship since then. If it's not her, I don't want it, and I know it never will be, so I'll just stay alone. My heart ached as I thought of her; she broke my heart when she ran away, and we never saw each other again. I always wondered what had happened to her.

"ALASTOR!" I'm pulled back reality by Lucifer yelling my name with his brows furrowed. "What? What is it?" I ask. "We have all voted to go through with everything, but you haven't said anything," he says. "Oh, yes, do whatever," I respond.

Suddenly there is a knock at the door. Charlie rushes to the door and opens it; Vaggatha is close behind her. I hear Charlie say, "Hello, can we help you?" "Uh, yes... I heard you guys can help me have a better afterlife?" says the other voice. Angel springs from his seat and runs to the door, swinging it wide open. "Alicent, it's about time you came here, bitch!"

Hearing that name that made my heart ache, and I hoped they would turn her away despite knowing they wouldn't do that. And even though I knew there was no way it was the same person I used to love, I didn't want her hear because she will just be a reminder of the woman I once loved. In walks a wolf-like woman talking to Angel with a big smile on her face; they must be close friends!

"Guys, this is Alicent; she works at the studio for Val and Velvette! I've been trying to talk her into coming here for a while now; she finally decided to come check it out!" I sit there, staring at her. I'm really not going to like having someone who has the same name as the woman I love who rejected me, but I guess I will have to deal with it!

"Hold on," says Husk, "you that chick who sings while you are fucking?" Her face turned bright red; it was amusing to see embarrassment come across her at the mention of this. "Y-y-yes I am... why do you ask?" she says. Husk answers, "Angel talks about you all the time! Even made me watch your shit; it's pretty hot, not gonna lie, but not really my thing. You got a nice voice though; no wonder Val makes you sing in every video."

"And every time he makes me perform in the club and all the videos for Velvette's fashion, pretty much anything they put music to," she says. "Haha, oh yeah, bitch has got the voice of a siren, her voice can mesmerize you like one too; how do you think we became friends? She sang to me, and I couldn't say no," says Angel jokingly. "Oh hush Angel, that's not how we became friends, and you know it's," Alicent responds as she playfully pushes Angel's shoulder. "Yeah, I know, but that story is funnier and more interesting," he laughs.

She rolls her eyes then looks at me startled; "Uh, Angel... you didn't tell me that the radio demon was here too." All the color in her face leaves as she looks at me. I slowly stand as to not aggravate my injuries and stick out my hand, "Alastor, it's a pleasure to be meeting you quite a pleasure."

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