pt. 1

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I wander to the bathroom after a while, to clean myself up. I have to compose myself for a few additional moments before emerging from the restroom. I can't stop thinking about how insane everything that had just happened to me was. And before I know it, I'm wet again. Drenched the longer I can't resist remembering how rhythmically hypnotizing it was to be full of an absolute stranger just minutes ago. I push my legs together as I'm trying to stand at the sink. Fuck, I need to clean myself up again before even thinking about walking back out. By the time I walk out of the bathroom, I'm just as flushed with the ghost of your cock still pumping me full of you, as I was when it was actually happening. I'm half expecting you to have left, thinking that you'd gotten more than your original intentions, and that you'd maybe be finished with me. Instead, I look up and make direct eye contact with you. You're still here. If it was possible to blush more, I did. There's no way no one can tell that I just had the best sex of my life right in front of them. Amazingly enough, no one's the wiser. I'm shocked as I realize I want more. But it's too hot in the ice cream parlor. I need air, and your eyes are boring into me as I walk past you to the door. I turn my head slightly to glance back at you, and pause for a moment before I see you move. Yes, please follow me. God I need more.
And so we're walking, and you're following me at a distance but I can feel you watching my dress sway against my upper thighs. Are you remembering what it felt like to be touching me? To have me wrapped around you? Fuck, I know I am. Suddenly, I'm crossing the street. I barely think as I move forward, but I can feel you behind me. I can feel your hunger through the air , encompassing me entirely. I notice a building up ahead, and my heart starts racing.
The library.
It'll have to do. I stop at the door a moment and glance behind me. And there you are. My breath catches and I'm walking through the doors not registering anything in front of me. I hear your footsteps, your hands against the door as you let it close behind you. You're farther behind me now, taking your time. I slow down, but realize you're doing so intentionally. You want me to wander, to come find me... Fuck. My skin is on fire. I've never felt like prey before, but I never expected it to cause the drenching between my thighs like this.
I walk past computers, with people glancing up at me and looking a moment, before returning to their screens. I wonder if they can sense the sensual panic and arousal coursing through my body, just by looking at me.
The library is so full today. I'd never seen it so busy, people in almost every open seat, and almost 2 for every row between tall bookshelves. I take a left, to where there are less people, against all my instincts. Being hunted and heading towards areas with more blind spots and less witnesses. Brilliant. But is it also exactly what I want? Everything going through my mind and body right now won't allow my being honest with myself, so I focus on the task at hand. Hide. Escape. Run. Don't run to draw attention, but keep moving so he doesn't...
I catch a glimpse of you as I'm at the other end of a row. And my breath catches. And catches again. I'm almost to the back of the history section now. And then , it's the second to last row before the very back wall. And I stop. Because you're there. And then you're walking into the aisle. I pause again, and I take another second before walking towards the danger. But when I get there you're gone, and I'm standing looking after where you should be. I'm about to turn, backing up, and I bump into something.
Not something. Someone.

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