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It had been 4 days since my date with Lucy. On the following Monday, she had apologized for Leo, but I brushed it off, telling her I shouldn't have reacted that way.

I wasn't lying. I was being dramatic. It wasn't their fault that this stuff happens.

Walking into my house, I hear shouting from upstairs,

"Well it's not my fault you fucked him up so bad that he doesn't even want to see your face!" Lily says in the distance,

"I did nothing to him! He is just a dramatic, ungrateful piece of shit!" My dad, Oliver, shouts back.

They're talking about me.

"He is terrified to look you in the eye! You've scarred him!"

"That's ridiculous. He knows I love him. Whatever I say to him, I say for his own benefit. Constructive criticism."

I walk over to the living room, open the door and step inside,

"Uncle Logan!" Henry and Ryan shout.

Henry, my oldest nephew, 6 years old. Ryan, his little brother, 4 years old. They also have a baby sister, Yasmine who's 4 months old.

"Loggy!" Leah shouts, and they all start laughing.

The three kids sit on the sofa, watching Paw Patrol while Yasmine sleeps in the corner.

"Well, he's here now, why don't I ask him myself?" I hear my dad say in the distance,

"He doesn't even talk to me when you're here. He definitely won't talk to you." Lily replies, and I close the living room door.

The shouting woke up Yasmine, so I pick her up and start putting her back to sleep again,

"What were they talking about?" Henry asks.

I put a finger to my lips, and point at the baby in my arms. He nods and turns his attention back to Paw Patrol.

Eventually, the shouting stops and Lily leaves. I still haven't seen Dad. It will be the first time I see him since September, now Halloween's right around the corner.

I put the kids to bed in their own rooms and it's around 11 pm when I get into bed.

There's a knock on my door,

"Come in" I say and Dad steps inside,

"Hey son" He says

"Hi Dad"

"How are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"Good. How's school? Any new girls?"

I decide not to tell him about Lucy, for her own good,

"Good. No,"

My parents got divorced when Leah was a year old because of my dad's affairs, they had Lily when they were really young, in their early- twenties, then had me in their mid- thirties,

My Mom married George, my step- dad 2 years ago, they both work alot and have to travel for work, so most of the time its me, Lily and the kids.

Mom is better than Dad. She's never used constructive criticism and she's never hit me,

"You do know that you can give me more than two word answers right Logan?" Dad says,

"I know" I reply,

"Give me a full sentence, Logan"

"Well, what do you want me to say?"

"That I haven't "emotionally scarred" you"

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