Where The Sun Will Set

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"I know that you got daddy issues."

- Daddy Issues, The Neighborhood

We all know who Apollo is. 

The charming god of the sun, the healing god, god of poetry, god of youth, music, the father to many demigods, and many other titles that I couldn't list. (Sorry.) We know Apollo as that. 

But we never really knew him as Lester Papadopoulos. A pathetic mortal who he was once all because his father needed someone to be blamed for a gods' damned prophecy. During his time as a mortal, he learnt many things and those things he learnt were engraved into his head. Despite being a god for years, he knew that living like one can be hard, but living the life of a human, especially of a creature he was not born of, was difficult. He understood, a little, what the demigods had meant when gods like him did not care. Especially that son of his brother's that had sense about his reason why he joined his dearest old man. 

If only Apollo could change that fact.

Phoebus Apollo walked along the halls of his golden-dimmed palace. There was no light, in fact, Apollo never needed light, he was the light; and aside from him, light flowed inside from his windows. Apollo can and could clearly see where he was going.

Soon after, Apollo entered a room. He went directly to the balcony that overlooked the city of New York. He relaxes himself and sighs deeply. The horns blaring, the noises of mortals; even in Olympus, the sounds within the city that can't sleep reaches the many of immortals' ears. 

Apollo continues to relax and closes his eyes. He then guides his mind to the memory of the meeting earlier. 

He was being honest. Well, he's always honest, he is the god of truth. The son of Hades was--is-- right. His uncle's son was never in the wrong. Perseus Jackson. The god has aways thought that the demigod has always been an enigma. A mystery. Something even with his vast knowledge or Athena's wisdom can't even figure out. He was an interesting demigod. A very well used chess piece in his father's boardgame that it as if has a mind of its own. Humans have minds of their own. Stupid Apollo. 

He was always fond of the sea spawn. Heck, Apollo was proud to be his cousin because he never met anyone that interesting since Hyacinthus. Or any of his lovers. He wasn't seeing Perseus as one of his lovers, the god knew that he loved Annabeth too much to the point that the god knew that the demigod was building an army. How did he know that? He wasn't the god of prophecy for nothing dear readers. And he is not planning to snitch Perseus to his dad. It'd ruin the fun. The game was just beginning for him. 

He has foreseen the event happening in the past, and he is going to see it some day in the future. He is planning to eat popcorn and watch his father's downfall. 

A chuckle escape from the god's mouth at the thought of eating popcorn while seeing his father being beaten by a mere sea spawn. And the said sea spawn isn't 'mere.' 

Phoebus opened his glowing blue eyes.

"What gave you the idea to enter my palace without invite, brother." Demanded the blonde. 

Dionysus stepped out from the shadows, "you know brother; you could have placed light in hallways."

"Why do I need light when I am the light brother?" 

"Oh well, for future visitors."

"But you are not a visitor, but a trespasser. You may be a god Dionysus, but remember who sists higher than you," warned Apollo. 

"Relax brother. I planned to talk to you supposedly after the gathering. But you stormed out of the room before I could take the chance." 

Apollo turned to face Dionysus and scowled. 

Dionysus stood there as his brother scowled at him. 


"Ok," he started. "I know for a fact that you are seeing visions brother. Visions of Perseus."

Apollo could only look away for response. 

"And I see that you can't deny it." Stated the younger god. 

"What do you want Dionysus?" Asked the brother. 

"Nothing," Dionysus said. He then walked toward the balcony and gazed at the view before him. "If you are going to meet him Apollo, give the sea spawn my regards and best wishes."

"And why would you assume that I will meet him, brother?" He asked. 

"I don't know. But I feel like it is bound to happen that you will meet him soon, hence why."

"For a god of wine, your intuition is very... worrying Dionysus." 

"That's what you get for a god who often gets drunk with diet coke brother. Anyway, it is time that I leave." Dionysus turns to the sun god. "I have known you for a long-time brother. We've known each other for such a long time, there's no need to tell me what you are planning in the future."

And with a blink of an eye, the god of wine disappeared. Leaving the scent of ripe grapes behind. 

Apollo continued to overlook the view of Manhattan before him. And then suddenly a thought appeared into his mind. 

Apollo summoned a piece of parchment and pen into thin air. He grabd the utensil and paper and started to write. 

Dearest Perseus...

A/N I apollogize for the short chapter everyone </3

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⏰ Last updated: May 24 ⏰

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