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They were on a vacation.In a big mansion.All to themselves.And Jin didn't want anything better.He looked around.

Jimin and Jungkook were cuddled together on the couch, watching anime.Jimin kept stealing popcorn from Jungkook's bowl who frowned at him everytime but allowed it anyway.

Namjoon was reading a story to Taehyung,who had his head on Namjoon's lap.Hoseok was sitting on the floor trying to join pieces of a puzzle.Yoongi was typing something on his phone, eyebrows raised and lips in a frown.

Jin wondered if Yoongi had a girlfriend or a boyfriend.He would know if Yoongi was seeing someone because they always told eachother everything.It was a roommate ritual.But things had been different lately.And Jin couldn't help but feel a light stab into his heart,his world wide handsome heart.He felt weird imagining Yoongi with some other boy or a girl, holding their hand, kissing.Nope.He couldn't tolerate that.He knew if something like that happened,his heart would shatter into a million pieces.

He stood up, shaking his head
"Guys,you want something to eat?"

Jimin's eyes lit up into stars and lips into the cutest pout as he patted his tummy
"Hyungie,how did you know I was hungry?"

Jin laughed
"I know everything Jiminie"

"Can we get chicken roll?"
Hoseok asked and after a round of approval from everyone,Jin went to the kitchen.Cooking was the only thing that kept his mind off stress.Also Yoongi.

Speaking of Yoongi,there was a sudden voice behind him and he flinched
"Hyung, did you see the flour?"

Jin blinked.Yoongi was in the kitchen with him.Yoongi was talking to him.


"Yeah? Sorry I zoned out"

"No problem,I was asking about the flour"

Yoongi repeated.Jin swore he could see a slight smirk on Yoongi's lips.Just a slight turn of his lips.

"It's on the top right side.Please be careful,there are glass jars nearby"


Yoongi marched to the shelf and gently extracted the box.They both worked quietly, helping eachother now and then.This was natural to them.Jin remembered their debut days,how he and Yoongi would discuss the menu the night before, since they had to feed seven hungry members,most of them in their teens.Jin also realised how easily he and Yoongi worked together.They listened to each other's needs and wants and maybe that's why they didn't argue much.There was always slight teasing here and there.The silence was getting too much for for Jin to handle.He didn't know what to say.If he was in this situation a few years back,he and Yoongi would have been chatting non-stop.He cleared his throat and looked at Yoongi carefully flipping the meat.

"How was it?"
Yoongi looked at him,his pretty eyelashes, pretty lips, pretty mole below his lower lip which Jin only just noticed now.

"How was what?"

"Your time at your parents' place?"

"Ahhh,I spent most of the days on my bed, watching movies, watching bangtan bombs"

"Wow,what about the messages I sent you?"

Yoongi seemed to think for a while before replying
"What messages?" (Jin had sent messages to Yoongi,mainly articles and posts like ten reasons why spending time under the sun will make you more happy or five sun facts or why sun is the best thing that ever happened to us. Conclusion-He wanted Yoongi to go out more rather than stay on bed all day long a typical yoongi thing which Jin didn't quiet approve of)

"Yahh Yoongi"

Jin said, lifting the spoon and pointing it towards Yoongi.

Yoongi shook his head,a slight smile on his lips
"Ofcourse hyung.You even messaged Sejin hyung didn't you?He usually took me on long walks,or grocery shopping or we just hung around on the terrace,so don't worry I saw a lot of sunlight"

Jin nodded.Sunlight was good for health.
"Don't tell me you watched ALL our weird bangtan bombs,I can't even watch one without cringing"

Yoongi chuckled and it was music to Jin's ears.
"I mean we were messy and loud.Cringey too.But we were young boys with huge dreams, trapped in one dorm,that too with eachother.We kinda hated eachother back then"

Jin placed the sugar and salt boxes inside the shelf.
"We did.But now I want to spend my entire life with you guys.I am so grateful for this vacation"

"Me too hyung"

Then there was silence again where Jin arranged the plates around the dining table and Yoongi worked with on cuting equal pieces for everyone.It was peaceful.Maybe,Jin thought, nothing had changed.Yoongi was still the same.But then why was his heart beating so loud?

After dinner Jungkook had loudly announced that he wanted icecream and Jin had strictly said no.That had resulted in Jungkook pouting and muttering something along the lines of
"I am grown up,I can get it myself"

Jimin had laughed, ruffling Jungkook's hair and kissing his cheek and Jungkook had pushed him away,both of them wrestling until Taehyung came and flopped on both, leaving them groaning under his weight.

Namjoon had broken two spoons again and he had promised to make up for it by washing the utensils.Hoseok had gone to sleep since he was tired.Currently Jin was on his phone,just reading articles and news about themselves.

He then kept the phone inside and announced
"I am going to sleep"
Jungkook,Jimin and Taehyung nodded.Jungkook came running along, planting a kiss on Jin's forehead and Taehyung did the same.Jimin just kissed his cheeks.Jin laughed, feeling blessed to receive so much love and affection.

He slowly walked into Hoseok and Namjoon's room and found them sleeping.Taking the opportunity he pressed a kiss to their heads.He then went to his room to find Yoongi already on bed, blanket upto nose.He smiled at the sweet sight and changed into comfy pink pyjamas.

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