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Then things began to make sense.
Things began to happen.
Tiny, subtle actions.

1)Yoongi was in the studio,tired,still working on a song.He typed furiously on his keyboard, trying to come up with new melodies and lyrics.His head ached and he had been in the same position for hours.There was knock on the door and Yoongi scowled.He hated being interrupted.He got up, stretched his body and put in the password.The door revealed the security gaurd holding a bag
"This is for you,sir"
He bowed and left.Yoongi bowed back.He ripped open the paper bag only to find a box containing Kimchi fried rice and a small note


This is for you!Eat up and don't overwork!
Walk for ten minutes after every hour and drink lots of water.I didn't come in because I know you don't like to be disturbed.

Jin/Jinjinjara/Your roommate

Yoongi smiled hugging the box.He was grateful and also a bit surprised that Jin had come all the way just to give him food.

2)Jin noticed that Yoongi would always stay close to him, wherever they went, whatever they did.If they played cards,Yoongi sat beside Jin.If they went to mall,Yoongi would stick with Jin, sometimes clinging to his arm.
If they watched a movie, Yoongi would sit beside him.Once Yoongi even asked Taehyung to switch places because Taehyung was sitting beside Jin.And ofcourse Yoongi came to Jin's bed every night.They never hugged or invaded personal space but just slept side by side,sometimes shoulder brushing.It was a mutual unspoken agreement regardless of whether the cockroach was still there or not.

3)More touches.Yoongi would sometimes let their fingers tangle when they sat together,only for a mere second, patting of hair while saying good night, silent glances and stares.Jin usually winked leaving Yoongi all flustered and shy.That's when Jin started feeling hopeful.Maybe, there was a slight chance that Yoongi liked him too,more than a friend.

4) Meaningful talks.
Jin was on the terrace one day, watching the vast expanse,the glittery stars and a charming white moon.The stars sparkled with ancient tales of love, passion and desire.


Jin turned back to see Yoongi approaching him.He was wearing a white hoodie and sweatpants.


"Hi hyung"

Yoongi said as he stood beside
Jin,both hands on railing.

"Hi"Jin replied making Yoongi giggle.
It was only after sometime that Yoongi spoke

"Hyung,is there anything bothering you?You can tell me"

Jin sighed.He wished he could tell Yoongi about his feelings.

"Have you ever fallen in love?"
Jin asked, voice dreamy and soft.Yoongi seemed surprised but he didn't answer straight away.

"Have you?"

Jin laughed because Yoongi was clever
"Yes.But the other person,they don't know about it"


Jin swore he could see a frown on Yoongi's face.A shade of disappointment?

"Are you sure they don't know about it?"
Yoongi asked again and Jin just stayed frozen.

"I don't really know"

Yoongi ruffled Jin's hair
"Think about it and confess at the right time.If you need any help,I am here"

Jin simply smiled.

5) Yoongi bringing up Jin in every conversation ever.
"Jin hyung likes it less spicy"
"Jin hyung can honestly act in this movie and do better than the original actor"
"Jin hyung looks good in long hair"
"Has Jin hyung eaten?"
"Where is Jin hyung?"
"Jin hyung has a kind heart "
"Jin hyung is the best"
"Jin hyung looks good in pink hair"

6)He started leaving food outside Yoongi's studio everyday, obviously with a note.He sometimes wrote a joke,or a sweet message or a pun or just a drawing or a song lyric which he really liked.Yoongi never said anything to him personally but he always wrote a simple thank you on the lunch box and that usually made Jin's day.He cared about Yoongi and Yoongi cared about him too,both of them a little more than others.

7) Chatting on phone became a must.
They sent articles,songs or just news media they came across.Sometimes Jin would send his world wide handsome selfie and get a bunch of Holly selfies instead with caption
'Holly poses better'
Then Jin would feel all warm and mushy for no reason at all.The fact that Yoongi replied immediately to his texts, something he never did for other members was a clear sign but Jin did not delve too much into that.Things were going great and he didn't want to ruin their friendship.

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