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Later in the night Jin suddenly felt his bed dip.
He held his breath knowing fully well that it wasn't the maknaes.They were still awake.
Namjoon and Hoseok were sleeping in their room.


He whispered, ignoring the fact that his chest could burst any moment now.

"Hi hyung"

Jin had to stop himself from laughing or smiling, although it was dark,it was still bright enough to make out the smug smile on Yoongi's face.


They stayed quiet for a while,Jin shuffling more towards the wall to give Yoongi a comfortable space.
Silence enveloped them.But it wasn't uncomfortable,it was just natural.Jin knew Yoongi inside out.They had had more than ten years of friendship.They had experienced lots of things together,cooking together, going fishing, making music together, late night movie times,they had even shared bed many times, especially during their early debut days.
He and Yoongi had a deep bond,like a string connecting their hearts.It was well hidden because neither of them were touchy with each other.It was their words, their actions,the subtle acts of kindness, embarrassing secrets of each other only they knew,smiles and jokes.
Yoongi was the only one patient enough to listen to Jin without judging or speaking in between.

However,this time it was different.
Jin could feel the difference in his bones,in his skin,in his mind, mostly in his heart.
"What brings you here?"
Jin asked.

"There's a cockroach on the wall near my bed"

Jin scoffed mentally.Yoongi was giving him a dumb excuse.
Mostly because years of travelling around the world, staying in hotel rooms,they had come across a lot of insects.And Yoongi hadn't been bothered by them,not even a single time

"Hyung if it's bothering you-"


Jin spoke a little too loudly and suddenly.
He whispered again, clearing his throat
"No,it's ok"

Yoongi breathed.

"Ok.Good night Yoongi"

"Good night hyung"

Jin couldn't sleep.Although they weren't touching and there was a good amount of space between them,the fact that Jin could reach out and touch Yoongi just by putting his hand forward,made him feel fuzzy.
Yoongi looked adorable with his scrunched nose and pouty lips.Jin buried himself deep into the pillow to somehow gather Yoongi's warmth and cologne.Soon he drifted to sleep.

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