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The next morning when Jin woke up, Yoongi was already gone.He didn't mind.He thought it was better this way.Waking up next to each other required a sort of vulnerability which Jin wasn't ready for.He washed up and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.Jungkook and Jimin were huddled in a corner, looking at something.

Jin went up to them
"What are you guys doing?"

Jimin jumped at the sudden voice and smiled sheepishly.Jungkook scratched the back of his neck
"We were using this pancake mix but I added curd instead of milk"

Jin's eyebrows rose and he was horrified

"Sorry hyung.We are only beginners you know"
Jimin said as he pulled Jungkook aside.

Jin took the packet and threw it into the dustbin.It was already empty.He then shooed them away

"I am not mad Jimin.Its just,next time,wait for either me or Yoongi before experimenting okay?"

"Yes hyungie"

"Great now out.I'll cook a fresh batch for you guys"

After a wholesome breakfast, they all decided to watch a movie.They decorated the couch wih pillows and candle lights, drawing the curtains to make it look dark.Jimin sat in between Jungkook and Taehyung,the three of them already looking cuddly and cosy.

Namjoon and Yoongi sat on the right couch.Jin and Hoseok made themselves comfortable on the floor, amongst the pillows.
After a slight argument and discussion,they all came to a mutual agreement that they would watch 'Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban'.

It was somewhere in the middle when Jin started getting bored.He instead kept stealing glances at Yoongi.Yoongi was snuggled on the couch,chin resting on his knees,his bangs falling on his forehead and his deep eyes and cute button nose.He seemed very much interested in the movie.Jin imagined how it would be to hold Yoongi in his arms and pepper him with kisses,trace his hand along every mole and every scar on that pale skin.
He caught Yoongi's eyes and immediately looked away,his cheeks red and warm.He turned back and Yoongi was still looking at him.Jin felt a invisible tugging in his heart so strong,he couldn't ignoring.It was igniting a fire within him.Fire of passion and love.He and Yoongi stared at each other for a few seconds before Yoongi broke out into a small smile and Jin heaved a sigh of relief.He smiled back.

Namjoon must have seen the exchange because he said
"Jin hyung, if your leg is paining,we can switch"

Jin didn't know what to do.He nodded unconsciously and stood up, making his way beside Yoongi.He made sure that their shoulders didn't touch and looked at the screen, trying to connect the links of what he had missed.Apparently Sirius Black was in Hogwarts and students were being ushered back to their common rooms.Though it was still afternoon Jin couldn't help the sleep that kept forcing his eyes shut.The last thing he saw was Harry running before he allowed the sleep to take over.

"Is he sleeping?"

"Yeah looks like it"

"Should we wake him up?"

Jin could hear whispers all around.He kept his eyes closed.He heard a soft voice, gentle like waves of ocean

"Let him be"

Jin realised three things at this point.
1)He was sleeping on Yoongi's shoulder.
2)It wasn't the injured shoulder else others would have woken him up.
3) Yoongi's hand was running through his hair.

He waited until others had gone out and then opened his eyes.He sat straight and turned left to see Yoongi smiling at him


"No problem hyung.You were sleepy so you slept,not your fault"

Jin nodded
"I guess"

Yoongi placed his hand on Jin's, for a brief second, patting it
"You should go take a nap if you are feeling tired"

Jin felt fireworks.It was a touch for less than a second but it still made Jin mushy, longing for more.He knew then for sure that his feelings for Yoongi were different.He never reacted this way when the other members kissed him on cheeks, usually Jimin,or held his hands or cuddled him.With Yoongi it was special.Yoongi was music in Jin's life,making it colourful and bright just by existing in it.He could look at Yoongi was hours and still never get bored.

"I am not sleepy"
Jin replied and walked outside.He had to control his feelings because he couldn't risk the rumours and scandals that would arise and the huge homophobic whiplash,he didn't want their years of hardwork to go down the drain.He scoffed thinking all this would happen only if Yoongi agreed to date him,if Yoongi returned his feelings.He didn't want Yoongi to hate him,he didn't to ruin their already precious bond.He stayed away from Yoongi for the rest of day.

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