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May entered the plane, looking at her ticket. Seat 16B. She walked through the narrow hallway of the plane looking at the numbers of the seats. Bingo! Seat 16B... Between a woman with a baby and a huge, huge man. Great, she thought, this will be a long trip.

"Hey, you, you girl!" A voice said

May looked around her trying to find the person behind the voice. She found it: it was the blonde mysterious man from before. She stared at his hair. In her 17 years of life she'd seen a lot of weird stuff, but this man... He had a blue lock of hair going around his head. It was stylish, but too much for Hoenn, she thought.

"You can sit here if you want, this seat is free" He said kindly.

"And why would I want to sit there?"

"Because I will give you a proper conversation for the trip. Kalos is really far away from here, probably ten hours, would you want to sit there better?" He said pointing at the seat between the now snoring man and the crying baby.

She refused to start arguing with a complete stranger. That was what she'd probably do, but she was way too tired for it, so she just walked towards the seat and sat on it.

"My name's Colress, can I know yours?" He asked offering his gloved hand to shake.

"May" She said shaking his hand. "Can I ask you something, Colress?"

"Sure" He said. "Feel free to ask anything"

"Where are you from? I'm a hundred percent sure you're not from Hoenn"

Colress laugh a bit and then he looked at May. "I'm actually a retired villain from the Unova region. Have you heard of Team Plasma?" He asked.

"Not at all, have you heard of Team Aqua or Team Magma?" She said trying to piss him off.

"I've been in Hoenn only for a couple months girl, don't try to mess with me this soon"

Ugh, he's smart, May thought. "And what was your part in Team Plasma?"

"I was the principal scientist, I investigated the power of the pokemon. Now I investigate that as well, but without the evil dark side. I investigate Mega Evolutions and I came to Hoenn because I was told there are Megastones here"

"Yes there are, I own a Key Stone and a few Mega Stones too. Shamefully, my parents took my pokemon away so I can't show it to you" May said sadly. "And why are you traveling to Kalos?"

"Because there's a professor that is studying Mega Evolutions. Professor Augustine Sycamore he is."

"So you want to steal his researches and all of his hardly worked investigations to use it for your own purposes and against the humanity?" She asked in an annoying tone.

"I've already told you, girl, I-" He was interrupted by May.

"May, please, I have a name"

"May" He said with a little of annoyance "I've already told you; I don't have any evil plans anymore"

"Yeah, like I believe you" She said laughing "I've been living with two ex-villains for the past eight months and they still had evil plans against each other"

"You've been living with two villains?" He asked amazed.

"Yeah man. And not two simple grunts, with the leaders" She said proudly to the scientist.

"Interesting" He said studying her expressions.

May was watching through the window how his beloved Hoenn region disappeared in the distance and was replaced by huge amounts of sea. That somehow clicked in her brain and she remembered Archie, which also remembered her of Maxie. Result: she started to cry silently. She was in a public space, so she knew she shouldn't cry loudly.

She started to feel anxiety. She stood up and went to the plane's tiny bathroom without looking at anybody. She was all alone finally.

Many times she hoped for this to come true; to be all alone, no parents, no villains to fight with, no people who expected a world from her, to sum it up, nobody but her pokemon. Now she was all alone and she didn't like the feeling.


Colress looked at the back of the plane where the bathroom was. It's been 15 minutes since that girl left. He was worried. He didn't know why, but he was. However, she knew the girl for about two hours, he couldn't go and ask her what the heck was wrong.

She exited the bathroom. At least, he thought. She sat again at his right, looking through the window with a melancholic sight. She seemed depressed. He wasn't the best at cheering up people, but he decided to try. He decided to ask the girl something about her life, she asked him about Team Plasma, now it was his turn.

"So, May" He said in a cautious tone. "You said your parents took away your pokemon, but I can see one pokeball in your pocket. Why did they take them away from its trainer? You haven't been a good girl, isn't it?"

She let out a deep sigh and looked at him with teary eyes. "Good Colress, you made it, you've made her cry, what a genius" he slapped himself.

"Look, May, I may be not the best at cheering up people, but I know how to listen and I give pretty good advices"

"Give me one then: my dad took everything away from me, my friends, my pokemon, the man I started to like, my home. He took my life and threw it to the ground like it was worthless. He decided to move the whole family to the fucking Kalos region because he left his job as a Gym Leader. What should I do? I have nothing, nothing at all. Fix that you smart scientist" She said while looking at him with anger in her eyes, but not against him, against her dad.

Colress didn't know what to do. No idea at all. He just looked at her, she was now crying. He wasn't a very physical person, but he did what he supposed it was the best, hugged her from the back. It was a weird position, but it calmed her, she stopped her crying.

"Why?" She said blankly

"Desperate situations require desperate measures" He answered referring to her personal situation and to his hug.

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