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"Quelle belle femme tu est." He said in Kalosian.

May blinked a few times and came back to reality. She had dreamed awake. "What." She said bothered.

"Do you tend to dream awake, ma chérie?" He said amused.

"Fuck off." She said standing up and walking away.

"That's not exactly how you treat someone older than you." He hissed.

"Alright," she turned back and faced him "Messier Lysandre, may I request your trip to Fuck Off Town? The train is about to leave, thank you." She said in a monotone tone and smiling.

"Well that's better." He said. "Even though it is not enough for me to leave the room."

"Oh dear Arceus!" May said desperately. "How can I get rid of you?"

"Lysandre" Sycamore said entering the room. "That étrange friend of yours has called, he said he needs you on Route 14 for something I barely comprehended."

May looked at Lysandre smiling widely. "I'm so sorry you have to go."

"Be careful not to suffer a heartache, my darling." He responded ironically.

"Don't worry," she said "that won't happen."

"Augustine." He said as a farewell.

"Dear Arceus he's gone." She said when Lysandre disappeared.

"He has quite an exhausting personality." Sycamore said excusing him "Anyway, May," he said facing her "I want to show you something, come with me."

May followed him through the hallways of his lab, admiring everything she saw. The workers doing their job thoroughly, the well-cleaned floors... She thought that the Kalosian people were very compromised to their jobs; they were passionate people with whatever job they were doing. She kinda liked that.

They reached a large crystal door, which leaned to an indoor park. Sycamore opened the door and looked at her waiting for her to come in.

She entered the room and looked around her, noticing a lot of Pokémon playing around. She smiled widely. How much she loved these creatures.

"This is my favorite room in the whole lab." Sycamore said behind her.

"I can guess why." She said.

"Whenever I feel down for something I come here," he said "I feel complete around these creatures."

"The same happens to me." she said "Now that I'm moving here I feel kinda lonely, but I have a good friend called Blaziken that helps me to get through everything. We've been together for three years now." May tried to erase her melancholiness, she tried so hard, but she failed. "Of course I have more friends back in Hoenn. People who have been with me since the very beginning."

"Try to erase the pain," Sycamore said placing a hand on her shoulder "it'll be better that way."

She let a small sob scape her mouth as she smiled sadly, reprimanding herself again.

"Don't hide it, May," he said squeezing her shoulder softly "these things prove you're human, and that's always good."

A small silence followed the scene. It wasn't an awkward silence, it even felt good. May closed her eyes, trying to focus on everything and nothing at the same time. She failed again when a sudden memory sneaked through her brain: Professor Birch was handing her the pokeball that contained her very first Pokémon, Torchic. She didn't know what to do with the tiny orange creature, so she only fed it with Pokepuffs for the first month. As a result, Torchic got fat, so they had to workout every day around Littleroot Town. That was the reason why Torchic and she built a strong bond between them. They started their own adventure together.

May laughed sadly, remembering the scene. She looked up at the ceiling, which was made of crystal, so she was able to look at the clouded sky.

Sure she was human. She cried, she laughed, she loved, she felt. Memories were painful, but it's of memories a person is built of. She didn't regret anything of her short life. Nothing at all.

May turned back and looked at Sycamore, who was also looking at the sky through the large windowed-ceiling. She embraced him around his torso tightly. It felt odd to her, she's never hugged so many people. But she felt she needed it. Some affection was never bad, wasn't it?

Sycamore looked down at her, only to see the top of her honey hair since he was taller than her. He returned the embrace. He just wanted to give her comfort, give her someone to trust. He wanted to shelter the girl. He felt it was right. He didn't even need anything in return, he felt good with himself.

"So-sorry" she said pulling herself aside him "I-I know that wasn't very good because we're complete strangers but I don't know what has gotten into me." She excused herself.

"May," he said "you don't need to excuse yourself, it's fine."

"Yes, but I feel like I'm going around there giving the image of a fragile girl, someone to pity, and I'm not!" she said infuriated with herself "I'm a brave, strong girl. For Arceus, I managed to tame the mighty Kyogre!"

"I'm sure you're a strong girl, I can see it in your eyes. But, sadly, even the strongest need a shock of reality in their lives, that's part of life itself."

May stared at Sycamore's gray eyes. They shined with a special glow. She was mesmerized with this man. He barely knew her and there he was, giving her the best advices she'd ever heard. He was a good man, a wise one.

Suddenly, she felt something hitting her leg, something tiny. She looked down and saw a small purple winged creature, looking up at her with big yellow eyes. She noticed its large ears and smiled a bit, looking down at the creature.

She bent down and took the winged Pokémon in her arms. It let out a cheerful small cry. May smiled further. "Hey there you."

"What you have in your arms is no other than a Noibat, a flying-dragon Pokémon." Sycamore said. "Do you like it? I think it has taken some interest on you."

"It is so beautiful." May said caressing the tiny creature. It let out a happy cry as a reaction.

"You can keep it then. Take it as a bienvenue present." He said.

"Really?" She asked.

"Really." He smiled at her.

HeroesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora