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May walked through the indoor garden with Sycamore, admiring all of the new Pokémon she didn't know. Augustine told her everything about them, he clearly loved being with Pokémon.

"Oh my, look at this one!" They heard a voice coming from nearby.

They walked to see who was the owner of the voice, though May already knew who was.

"Hey, Colress, be careful, you're gonna fall to the water!" Sycamore said.

Colress looked over at where Sycamore and May were placed, just in front of him but on the other side of the little lake. He lost balance and inevitably fell to the lake.

Sycamore and May rushed over to him. When they reached the scientist, he was covered in water up to the knees, but the whole body was wet. May couldn't hold herself and she started to laugh uncontrollably at the scene: Colress' blue lock of hair was all messed up across his face.

"I don't see the funny side of this, May." He said pissed off.

"That's because you're not watching your own face Colress." She continued to laugh.

"Schu!" Colress sneezed. That was the crack point. Sycamore started to laugh too.

"Oh mon ami, look at this, you'll get a cold now." He said through laughs.


May and Colress were left alone in Sycamore's office. The blonde scientist was covered with a blanket and was drinking hot coffee. May was hanging around the office, looking at every painting that was hung on the walls.

"Hey this one looks great!" She said and touched one of the paintings.

"Don't touch it! You can break it..." Colress said "Schu!"

"How am I supposed to break a painting without a knife or a pointy thing?" She looked at him and asked.

"Well, you can rip it with your nails." He said.

"You always answer everything, don't you smart ass?" She laughed.

"Who are you two, and what are you doing in the professor's office?" A feminine voice said entering the room. "You aren't related with Team Flare, are you?" She asked angrily.

"Don't worry girl, we-" Colress said, but was interrupted by May.

"Oh yeah, we are important people in Team Flare." She said with a devious grin.

"May what are you-"

"You better run away from us girl, we're dangerous." She hissed.

"I'm not afraid of clowns like you." The girl said.

"You'll want to reconsider that."

"No I won't."

"Great then." May said.


"Really girl, go to your house, you're too young to face us."

"I could say the same" she said "how old are you? You look way too young for Team Flare, are they recruiting babies now?"

"Oh yeah, watch out, you may be the next one."

"Ha ha." she fake-laughed "Where's that stupid and idiotic costume you people wear?"

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