
190 16 4

Yes, yes I know. Rules are boring, however without some order there is chaos which is the enemy of having the best Authors Game ever. I will do my best to have this be the most dramatic, most show stopping Writer Games you've ever participated in, however I need a little co-operation from you guys in order to make that happen.

Rule #1: The most important of all the rules, the rule upon which this entire game game rides on; hand in your tasks or face voting on the first strike and instant death on strike two. No exceptions will be made. However I do understand that life will happen, so each tribute automatically has ONE 24 hour extension to use whenever he or she pleases. You only get one so use it wisely. This is a serious Author's Game so do not join unless you are sure you can hand in.

Rule #2: Respect each other and be a good sport. This is another serious one, nothing makes me more upset than seeing someone get picked on- especially on Wattpad. We are all writer's guys! We have to deal with enough crap in our real lives, Wattpad should be a safe place for us to express ourselves. And I understand that it sucks to have a tribute die, but don't take it out in people. The bully will get one warning and then if the behavior is continued be eliminated.

Rule #3: No asking friends to vote for you. This is a writing competition, not a popularity one. Anyone found guilty of begging for votes (I WILL find out) will be eliminated.

Rule #4: This isn't really a rule, more of a fact. All of the due dates will be posted in U.S.A. Eastern Standard Time. If you don't live in this zone I recommend checking out 'World Clock' and figuring out how many hours I am off from your zone so there are no confusions with due dates.

Rule #5: When you reserve a tribute you must comment your answer to this question so I know that you've read these terms and conditions and please note; by reserving a tribute you are also agreeing to them.

The question is: What type of music do you like? (Genre)  

Oh, and one last thing;

May the odds be ever in your favor.

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