
58 6 1

I was genuinely disappointed in the lack of entries. It seems like you guys don't do well with long deadlines. I'll keep them shorter then. The few people who did not use the 24 hour extension will receive one additional point simply for  handing in on time. This bonus will not apply to those who used their 13.

~District 1~

Jem Darling ~ Dropped Out

~ District 2~

Shadow Skye ~ 8 (+1)

Lyric Mason ~ 0 (-1)

~District 3~

Technick Flux ~ 10 (-3)

~District 4~

Addison Catax ~ 8 

Waye Tidal ~ 13 (-1)

~District 5~

Samuel Johnson ~ 10 (-3) (+1)

~District 6~

Nevia Saille ~ 13 (-1)

~District 8~

Tailor Bobbin ~ 9 (-2)

~District 10~

Phoenix Miller ~ 0 (-1)

Mye Bentler ~ 13 (-4)

~District 11~

Noel Way ~ 5 (+1)

~District 13~

Dilen Adelwyce ~  10

~The Capital~

Fleur Cayce ~ 8 (-1)

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