Task 6 ~ My Song

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Chess Winchester did not look like a killer in any sense of the word. To the average passerby he simply looked like your average capital citizen- overly zealous and a bit dim- but to Harlow Ogliby he was the ultimate evil. Chess Winchester had killed her mother, Silka Ogliby, in order to become head gamemaker.

And soon, very soon, she was going to kill him.

She'd been watching him for days now, learning his habits and observing his tendency with the help of her unwitting accomplice, Dare. She almost felt bad for playing the young assistant gamemaker, but certainly not bad enough to stop. When it came to revenge, nothing got into Harlow's way.

Except for peacekeepers that is.

Harlow was about to push her way into the gamemaker's control center on the day she had chosen to execute her plan when everything collapsed, or came close to collapsing anyway. Two peacekeepers, who stood outside the door stopped her as she tried to enter.

"You are no longer allowed access to the control room, Gamemaker Winchester says you are nothing but a distraction in there." The one spoke, his voice deep and gruff.

Harlow stopped and blinked at the black masked that stared down at her. This was something she hadn't been expecting. "B-but my boyfriend is in there... I just wanted to see him...." Harlow stuttered off-guard. Later on she would think of the many other, more productive things she could have said but Harlow had never been someone who was good on her feet.

"Out now before we kick you out." The peacekeeper said, completely ignoring her plea.

Harlow glowered at him. "I see." She said awkwardly, turning on her heel and walking away, all the while her mind wheeling, trying to come up with a new plan.


Welcome to the semi's everyone! Lets congratulate our semi-finalists!

Waye Tidal

Mye Benter

Shadow Skye

Dilen Adwynce

Addison Catrax

Tailor Bobbin


Nevia Saille

As you all know there was a four way tie. Nevia was chosen as the one to move forward due to the fact she was one only one to have a sponsor and her initial score was the highest.

Anyway, your task is (as most semi finals are) a reflection task. There is a twist though, a smoke is released in the arena that makes your tribute hallucinate. Your tribute must explore their minds (maybe not literally) and encounter someone or something important to them.

The hardest part of this entry is that tributes mind looks like the song they were based off of. This is incredibly abstract, I understand, but if the song was a place what would it be? When you listen to the music what does it make you see? Outside or inside? Dark colors or bright colors?

Two byes will be given to the finals. The first bye will be presented to the tribute with the best overall entry and the second will be given to the tribute who has the most interesting interpretation of their song.

PM me if you have questions.

This is due Friday November 7th at 12:00 EST

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