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Technick Flux, District 3

 "What do you mean they left?" What is going on in the world? Technick woke up with Mye poking his side, yet again waking him from a very sleepy state.

"I mean," Mye begins, "that our so-called allies are gone. It's just the two of us left." Okay, that was unexpected. The Games were almost halfway over. Usually alliances stayed a bit more intact until after the mid-point of the Games. Yet here they were. Two lonesome boys who wouldn't be friends if they came from the same district.

Technick got up by the help of Mye's hand – his hand is always there when Technick needs it. From helping ward off those mutts, to picking him up and carrying him, to the simple task of actually giving him a hand.

Mye, Mye.

Technick looked at him for too long, stared at him for too long. Before the older boy could ask why, Technick said "All eyes are on you. You're the leader, always have and will continue to be. Even if it is just the two of us."

The older boy chuckled, unsure of what Technick meant. "Okay, well Tech. To be admired is to be noticed, I suppose." An awkward smile and nervous laugh escaped Technick's lips. This was getting a bit too strange for him.

Mye was the boy Technick craved to be – physically alluring, a leader at heart and a set mind. And even as much as Technick wanted that, needed that, he couldn't emit the simple truth: I am frightened by you and your ways,

"Are you going to tell me who that blood on your hands belongs too?" Technick didn't want to pry, but he was already scared of Mye.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out," Mye rolled his eyes as he said it, "But if you have to know. It was that Wave Tide fellow and his friend, Shadows Sky." Technick has a slight grasp on the names, but he couldn't place them.


Technick always had a steady mindset, always. He knew exactly what he was going to do, how he was going to do it, but most importantly why he was going to do it. To say he felt extremely intoxicated when blurting out "I've been fighting a war with myself for all of my life" during the boys' confession time, was a huge understatement.

Mye had been talking about some girl from home, "with the most amazing, piercing eyes. And hair the darkest color of mahogany." Yet, in Technick's confession, he said what he dared never voice. Technick was confused. Really confused.

"What do you mean?" Mye asked. Yes, Technick should have stayed quiet. Nothing should have escaped his dry lips.

"Promise not to say anything?" He knew it was pointless. Every camera would be pointed at them. Yes, the point of the Games was mainly punishment. Then came the entertainment. This would very much be entertainment.

A stiff nod came towards Tech's direction, an Of course I won't tell. Yet, Technick interpreted it as I have no one else to tell. "Have you ever felt like you couldn't be yourself? Like, if you would, you'd be judged? Because that's what's killing me at the moment. Not the thought that I could physically die. But the fact that I could die mentally and emotionally before my body stopped functioning."

Mye looked at Technick strangely, as if just considering him. But he says nothing important, or at least Technick needed to hear. "So, little one. Tell me which girl broke your heart before coming here!"

Lumen, But that's not the point. I want someone's approval. Technick sighed, okay with his defeat. He guessed Mye wouldn't try to delve deeper into some comments.

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