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We went through the rest of the week easily. It now being a new week

School was the same. People would glare at us but as soon as we looked back people would look away. The teacher was still pissing us off but kept her distance and just ignored us.

We had also moved most of our stuff into the new house

I had taken the boys to help when my parents were busy and I explained to them the whole 'giant room' idea which they obviously got excited for

We were officially moving into the house this week though, which they weren't so excited for, since it would be a walk from my house to their houses

Today though, we were going to think of HOCO ideas and go shopping

We (me, Josh, Jon, Leati and Jer) were currently sitting in the living room after school thinking of ideas, we had been at it for almost an hour though and it wasn't looking so good

"What about Disney?" Jer suggested for the second time

"Uh, maybe. I don't know though" I replied looking to the other boys who looked uncertain about the idea

"OH, hear me out. Men In Black. The second movie just came out this year, it would be perfect. You could just wear a black dress and we just wear plain suits. AND SUNGLASSES! WE CAN WEAR SUNGLASSES!!" Jon yelled as he was clearly excited about his idea

"BOY WOULD YOU QUIT YELLING!?" I heard his mom yell from somewhere in house

"Sorry ma!" He yelled back before slouching in his seat

"I think its great. It's simple and easy-" I began to talk but Jon cut me off

"And cool. It's very cool" He added to my sentence

"Yes, it's cool. What about you boys?" I asked looking at the other boys

"Yeah I'm down"


"Hell yeah"

They all agreed

"I guess it's settled then. Men in black it is" i smiled while the boys yelled with happiness

Maybe it won't be that bad

We ran/ shoved each other to the dining room to explain to our moms what the plan was

"Mom!" We all yelled together

Then we started explaining Jon's idea for homecoming at once

"Okay okay! Hold on! One at a time!" Talisua yelled and we all shut up

"Jon, what did you come up with?" She asked quietly

"Okay mama, so basically we've been sittin' in the living room for awhile right? And we couldn't come up with anything and it was gettin' annoying but then I remembered. Men In Black jus' came out during the summer. Think about it. It's easy and simple, and it's hella cool" he explained in one go

"Really? You guys are excited about that?" She asked glancing at my mom who just shrugged

"Okay so now what?" My mom asked

My Sweet Hawaiian Girl ~ Jey Uso/Josh FatuWhere stories live. Discover now