chapter 9

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-Kellins POV-

I opened my eyes...into my bed? Weird, because I thought I went to a party last night. I try to remember it but I was just so wasted and my head had just began to hurt like a bitch. I don't even remember Vic being there last night, I just rememeber drinking like crazy and not even thinking straight.

I then got up and sat on the rim of my bed.

What happened last night? Why are my thoughts so blurred? Last thing  I do remember is inviting Vic to the party. Really? Another fucking hangover....? Thoughts of my dad begin to come back, I shrug it off and walk over to my drawer. I pull out black skinny jeans, a red tunic, and finally my white toms. Heading out the door, I have a sudden flashback, of me in a closet....? Things mustv'e been crazy yesterday.


I sat in the library, writing the lyrics to my song with Gabe, anything to focus off of Vic. Im not sure if it was a dream but when I was getting coffe on campus, I closed the door on my hand by accident and a flashback of Vic and I...rubbing each other came into my mind? It was confusing so I threw the coffe in my face to make sure what I was imaging wasn't real. It didn't sting my face because I was in shock. Why did I feel this way about Vic? I pinched myself as i peered at Gabe.

He was practicing a new melody on his guitar to match the lyrics I was writing. I tap his shoulder, "Gabe, how does this sound?" I asked as I began to sing, "stay, for tonight, if you want to, I can show you, what my dreams are made Im dreaming of your face?"  I ask him.

He nods slightly, "sounds good man but, shouldn't you be doing this with Vic?"

I shrugged, "Yeah, but..."

"....but what?"

I then drop my pencil as I turn to him, "I keep having dreams of me and him together...or flashbacks? Im so confused because I dont rememebr any of it.."  I say to him.

His eyes widen, "well....what could've triggered these....flashbacks?"

I roll my eyea, "I don't know....that's why I came to you gabe."

"Kellin dude, calm down, maybe theres a meaningful explination for this, maybe theres not. But I think you just need a walk to refresh yourself, alright?" I nodded, he was right. I needed to  get my mind straight and off of vic.

"See ya later man" I say to gabe as I exit the library and enter the halls. It was loud in the hallway. People walking anywhere and everywhere....I prefer things silent because it gives my brain a time to think.

I stop at Mariana's door. As much as i'd love to not speak to her, I want to...she's good company. I knocked on her door, "come in." I heard her say.

As I step in her room, I see that she's with the girl I laid a few nights ago when I woke up drunk. She had clearly been crying and was venting something to Mariana. Her eyes gazed at me with a type of fright, this must be her pregnant friend....but the way she was looking at me...did I frighten her?

Mariana had an uneasy gaze at me too, her eyes then darted away from mine and into her friends', "hey, Brooke, maybe you should uh..."

Brooke nods, still staring at me, I give her a questioning look as she walks out of the room.

"So...why are you here?" Mariana asks me.

I shrug, "got bored...figured its time we scheduled our next-"


"yeah, our next date." I then walk over to the rim of her bed where she sits. I focus my eyes on her lips, I can feel her tense up, "I wanted to get to know you better...Mariana."

Her cheeks flustered, "K-k-kellin I t-think-"

But I then stroke her arm slowly, "do you like this?" I ask, and I watch as she shakes. Course she likes this, I lean in to her, heading for her lips.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE." I heard a familiar voice shout and that tore me from the moment.

I count your heartbeat before you sleep (kellic)Where stories live. Discover now