chapter 49

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Vic glares at me, but never speaks. Although his eyes are watery, he's about to cry, he's trying not to. I feel horrible, repulsive, bad, I don't know how to feel or apologize to him. I didn't mean to kiss his sister, she kissed me!

"Vic." I say, trying to meet his eyes, but he keeps looking away. "Vic, look at me. Please." I say, desperate. I shakily rest my hand on his arm, and surprisingly he doesn't jerk me away.

"What?" he says to me, as if his life had no purpose.

I roll my eyes, "that wasn't what you thought."

"then what was it?"he asks me.

I sigh, trying so hard to not get Marianna into trouble, "Vic, please don't get mad at her but...She slept with Ronnie-"

And with that, he gazes up at me and meets my eyes in shock. He clenched his jaw, "she-she-Marianna?" he stutters, but says with anger.

"Vic don't be-"

He bawls up his fists, "I try to protect her and this crap happens-"


"What." He says to me, but it's more of a sharp statement than question, "what am I supposed to do about this-?"

I nod, trying to calm him, "she came to me, and told me about it, and I guess she was feeling vulnerable so she kissed me. But other than that it meant nothing, I didn't even feel anything." I tell him.

And after awhile there's a moment of silence. But he then asks me, "did you break up with Juliet?"



"Why-?" I begin to question, but I then feel his warm lips caress mine in eagerness. And with sensuality, he grinds his body into mine, our kiss seeming to last for hours. He kisses my neck, and my jaw, and everywhere. That's when I tangle my finger in his ha r and get on top of him, dry-thrusting my hard d.ick unto his.

"Oh yeah.." He moans in between kisses, grabbing my ass, while I grind on his d.ick more. My jeans suddenly begin to get too tight so I unzip them. Vic then sits up and helps me unzip it, and he removes his also.

He then pins me to the bed and pumps my hard cock, not even going slow, but extremely fast, sending me over the edge. "ah, oh shit-" I begin to say, but I then feel his lips circle around my tips, I try and hold in my moans so I clutch the end of the mattress covers.

He pumps me faster, and faster, while flicking his tounge over my d.ick at the same time, I put my head back in pure ecstasy. "Oh my God..." I moan in between breathes as he then brings his lips back up to my neck.

"I love you." He whispers into my ear, with his lips pressed against it. And he soon then turns me over, licks his fingers, and inserts, not even hesitating to go slowly. I moan in pleasure as he goes deeper and deeper. "m-m-more" I mumble, while his fingers go in in out.

I hear Vic chuckle, I'm sorry I can't hear you?"

I then moan again, as his fingers go deeper inside of me, sending me over the edge again, I moan, "I-I-"

"you what?" he asks me sharply, going deeper and hitting that spot that makes me go crazy.

"I-want you in-in-s-side-OH!" I moan, as he pulls his fingers out.

I then feel him insert his hard cock in my ass. I can see the cum leaking from my d.ick and I can feel it coming out of Vic. He thrusts slowly, going in and out, and then he goes faster, making me a moaning mess.

"Oh V-v-ic" I stutter, as he slams his hard cock into me, "g-go f-faster, ple-e-ease" I breathe, as he quickened up.

I dint think it was possible but he goes faster, and then rubs my tip at the same time while f.ucking me. "Oh shit-!" I moan loudly as I cum. He then stops f.ucking me and turns me over as he gets on top of me. He then licks all the cum from my hard cock and smirks.

I sit here, exhausted and shut my eyes for a second, "damn Vic." I say, catching my breath.

He then shuts his eyes, pulling the covers over both him and I, wrapping one arm around me, "I know."

I count your heartbeat before you sleep (kellic)Where stories live. Discover now