chapter 20

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I sit in the medical office basically tired to all get out. It's 3:00 in the morning and Brittany had to get a checkup because apparently she has a flight at 8:00 in the morning to see her family in Vegas, so she has to get this out of the way? I dunno, all I know is that I'm stressed.

It's been a week. I've been avoiding Vic, and Justin, and Jack. The only person I've told is Gabee, and my sister. I wasn't mad at Brittany when she told me, just shocked...No in shock. It all happened so fast, I'm so stupid.

It all makes sense now, that pregnant friend of Marianas was Brittany, that's why she was awkward around me, that's why she was crying that one time in Mariana's dorm. It was the pregnancy.

And I may not have feelings for Brittany but I still have to be their for her. I'm not going to be like how my father was to me...He left me at f.ucking four and my kid is never going to be put through what I was put through.

I'm going to need responsibility, though. I can't get piss drunk anymore, because someone's going to be looking up to me. I can't have reckless sex anymore because of...wait. Why can't I have....Oh Vic. But I'm still not sure if we're a thing or not. And how would the campus,

my friends or Brittany respond to me being bisexual? Yeah I do love Vic but what complications would follow me while being with him?

It's so much frustration. I don't want to be a parent, I'm not even my own parent. Will this change things with me and Vic? We still have to finish the song and its due in 3 days. I don't wanna face Vic, I don't wanna tell him about the baby and I don't wanna know his response.

"Quinn Bostwick?" I hear a lady with long dark hair say, and I suddenly stand up and turn to her. She gives me a welcoming smile but I don't return, I'm tired, eager, and I honestly just want to know if my kid is okay.

She then motions me to follow her and I do so. We walk down the halls of the hospital in a fast-like pace. I glance out the giant window we pass and gaze at the way the purple sky and white clouds form as though it were a painting.

We then stop at a door, the nurse then lead me into the room. There I take notice of Brittany, she sits on the hospital bed with her stomach exposed. A cord of some sort that attached to a machine sticks onto her belly aswell.

I look on the projector, I can't really see the baby but I can see somewhat of a fetus. And that's seriously all it took for me to be happy. I made someone, there's a person in there.

I smile, and then touch Brittanys stomach, "wow" was all I could say.



"I'm telling you Jaime. I don't know. I've called him a million times, tested him...maybe we shouldn't have done what we did 3 days ago

." I say to him. I sit in my dorm, by the window, staring blankly at the sky. Why is kellin ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Is he ashamed of..."us"?

Jaime then sighs, "Hey, dude I'm pretty sure there's a reason for all this...Kellins not the type to abandon. Trust me, he may be a player but he never leaves a girl crying." He says.

I roll my eyes and bite my lip, "and that's supposed to meals me feel better?" I say stiffly, clenching my jaw. It honestly upsets me so much, I don't even care about Jaime right now, I need alone time.

I hear him exhale, "Vic, okay calm down. Just...remember that we have 5 gigs this week so we don't be seen on campus much. And just...give him some time." I nod, and thank him. he's always been the one I could talk to about these things, my sexuality.

I pull the covers up and over me, wishing Kellin were here right beside me.


I roll my eyes and sigh into the phone, "Brittany, you can't just move to las vegas and become a stripper. If you want money, you can rely on me."

"Kellin you don't get it! I want to make money on my own to provide for our kid, you know?"

I then bite my lip in frustration as I pace back and fourth through the hallway, "listen to me, please? The baby needs to stay here, I wanna be able to see him or her whenever I can. I don't wanna be outside of its life." I tell her.

"But I'm moving to Vegas with my boyfriend and I'm going to be a stripper. They pay us well, and my boyfriend-"

"Look. I don't care about your boyfriend, I care about our kid. You can do whatever you want, just keep the baby in California!"

I then hear Brittany grunt in annoyance over the phone. Great. She hung up on me.

I head to class.

I count your heartbeat before you sleep (kellic)Where stories live. Discover now