chapter 38

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"Thank you Californians! Goodnight!" I shout into the microphone. After that I head to my tour bus, apparently there's going to be a party tonight here at warped once everyone's gone. It's supposed to be specifically for the 50 bands here at warped and I'm excited. Juliets coming, but what I'm also excited about is that I'll see Vic.

As I get inside  the bus, I soon then get ready. I put on a dark suit and red TOMS. I then comb my hair and put it up in a bun because man buns are sexy. After that I soon then put on my white plugs and spritz some cologne on and walk out the door.


"Kellin!" a girl shouts at me. She has light brown hair, a short violet dress on and black pumps. I run up to her and hug her.

"Juliet," I smile at her, "I've missed you so much." I say to her, and its sort of a lie, all this time I've been thinking about Vic, how he's not dead, I just can't wait to see him.

Juliet holds my hand, "so how's warped?"

I snort, "insane. The girls are crazy, they attack me and shit...But it's actually really fun. I love the feeling I get on stage, it's like I'm on tip of the world, and I love it." I say to her.

She nods, "that's cool I guess..." She trails off, and there isn't really much to say until we enter the party.


Kellin and I enter the party. It's so amazing, there a lights flickering everywhere, people dancing all crazy, and other people mingling. The carpets are black and the walls are aswell, giving the room a great look.

But I gaze at kellin and sigh. We need to break up, I've been hooking up with Andy behind his back and I love him so much. I just don't know how to break it to Kellin. I mean yeah he's cute, and is extremely smart and rich but I just feel like Andy is better for me. Andy didn't knock up 2 girls...that stuff gets out in the press and I get the same amount of hate that he gets just because I'm the girlfriend. I'm sick of that an  I don't want to put up with it anymore.

Plus Andy is so much better in bed than Kellin is. Kellin wants me to do everything for him, he never...Why am I thinking about this? I should be looking for Andy.

I tap Kellin on his shoulder, "hey babe I have to use the washroom," i say to him.

He nods, "don't be long" he finishes, smiling at me. I fake smile back.

He's so clingy, I hate clingy,


I saw him. I saw kellin walk in with Juliet Simms and kiss her.

So he's moved on.

I sit at the bar, by myself, and drink some pina colada because I'm that childish. But at the same time I'm watching Mariana and Ronnie. I don't trust that guy, he acts just like how  Kellin used to act and he has a bad reputation. Plus Mariana is a baby, she just turned eighteen this year, she's practically still seventeen.

But I hide my face and turn around as I notice Kellin walking over to the bar. He looks so hot tonight, his hair is tied up so you can really see  his face and he's wearing a really dope suit. Not to mention his plugs, since when did he get plugs?? But it's whatever.

I'm not really that upset with him anymore. I just want him to fully apologize for what he put me through. I don't think anyone could've handled what I did. But then again, he was nothing compared to everything else that's happened in my life. But then again I don't bitch about my life so I don't really care.

He takes a seat right beside me and orders two whiskeys. Is he out of his mind?

"Why are you all alone?" I hear him ask me. Good, so he doesn't know it's me, I exhale out of relief.

I then deepen my voice so he won't recognize mine.


"Because I can, what about you?" the guy had told me, his voice is oddly deep and confused me.

I lick my lips, taking a sip from my whiskey, "well sometimes quiet is violent."

The stranger laughs, "Stop quoting twenty one pilots, please." I roll my eyes, something about this guy is familiar, I just can't put a finger on it.

But just then, I see Mariana run away from Ronnie, she seems to be saying something to him as she looks back but due to the loud music and people dancing, nobody notices them.

"Good talk." I say to the stranger, but I  then chase after them. Where are they going and what does Ronnie have in mind? Whatever happens, he better not rape her. My f.ucking sister got raped and that ended up horribly. I'm pretty sure Vic would get upset too. Speaking  of Vic, where is he? I have not seen him all night.

I shake the thoughts away as I reach outside the party area, the music blurs an  I watch as Ronnie holds her hand. He takes her behind the building, I sigh. I hope he doesn't do anything. But it's strange, Mariana has light brown eyes, right? I didn't know that they were green.

I then quietly follow him down the side of the building, it's between tour busses as well so it's not really an alley. As they disappear into another corner I follow them until he stops in a corner. I try and listen at thier conversation.


Ronnie pokes the buttons of my top blouse of my dress with lustful eyes. "I'm not sure I want to do this.." I say to him. My face getting hotter and uncertainties wash over me. Maybe I'm not ready for sex anymore, I think Kellin was right, I'm not ready to give something so precious away yet.

Ronnie then kissed my neck and I let out a moan, "come it." He says, grabbing both my hands and pinning them to the wall. "you're ready, I promise.."

I shake my head, "Ronnie, stop, I don't want to so this anymore."

"But at the party you Saud you could really go for me f.ucking the shit out of you."

"That was the party talking!" I exclaim, as his hands travel my body.

He then chuckles, "and this is me talking" he says, and with that he puts a hand over my mouth and explores me, I start to scream but nobody can hear. I then start to cry, I never wanted it to be this way.

But all of a sudden, I feel his hands off of me.

I count your heartbeat before you sleep (kellic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin