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Seriously wanted to tell you all that yesterday's comments and votes really cheered me up so much. Thank you to all who did that and for giving me some courage to continue working on my books!

This is a thankyou chapter to you all fairies 💕 I wasn't going to work on this chapter till evening but wanted to do it for you guys right now!

Also, please do answer the questions I have given at the bottom of this chapter. It is to confirm some characters in this book for the upcoming chapters.


The sleek black car rolled to a stop in front of the grandiose structure that served as Kim Seokjin's residence.

It stood tall and imposing that showed his status and power. Jin stepped out of the car, his presence commanding respect as he waited for Yoongi to follow suit. However, the stubborn mafia boss remained seated, his jaw clenched in pure anger.

Jin let out a soft sigh as he approached the car and opened the door.

With a cold yet amused smile, he fixed his gaze on Yoongi, his tone filled with authority. "Come on now, Yoongi. We wouldn't want a repeat of what happened at your place, would we? Or do you seriously want me to drag you inside like a disobedient child?" he remarked, his words carrying a subtle threat.

Yoongi's expression darkened as he got out from the car, his frustration evident. Reluctantly, he followed Jin into the mansion, feeling a surge of resentment towards the man who had brought him here against his will.

The interior was just as impressive as the exterior, adorned with luxurious furnishings and decorations, just like a beautiful castle.

Jin led the way with confidence, his smirk never leaving his lips as he glanced back at Yoongi, who trailed behind him with a scowl.

As they entered the heart of the mansion, that is the living room, he turned to face Yoongi. "Welcome to your new home, Yoongi," he declared, his voice dripping with mock sweetness. "I do hope you'll find it to your liking."

Yoongi shot him a venomous glare, growling at him with pure anger.

The elder then settled himself onto the plush sofa, one leg crossed over the other. With a smirk playing on his lips, he beckoned for Yoongi to join him."Come and sit here, sub."

But Yoongi's response was immediate and fiery. "No fucking way!" he shot back with frustration. "I'm not gonna be anyone's fucking sub! I'm a goddamn Dom! Don't you fucking understand!?"

Jin's smirk only widened at his outburst. "You see, Yoongi," he began, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "I knew you were meant to be a Dom but you couldn't. That's precisely why I chose you as my sub, rejecting all the other ones."

The words hung in the air, heavy with tension. Yoongi's mind raced as he struggled to understand Jin's twisted logic.

How could someone like Jin, a powerful Dom in his own right, possibly see Yoongi as anything other than his equal? There is no fucking hell that Yoongi should be seen lower than someone like him!

"You may see yourself as a Dom, Yoongi," Jin began. "But sometimes, fate has other plans for us. You were chosen as my sub for a reason."

"I don't give a damn about fate," Yoongi spat. "I make my own fucking choices, and I choose not to submit to anyone."

"Perhaps," Jin said. "But sometimes, the most unexpected paths lead to the most profound discoveries. And who would've thought, hmm?"

He mused, his tone dripping with amusement. "The great Min Yoongi, feared mafia boss, reduced to a mere sub at the mercy of his Dom."

A Dangerous Game Of Submission.. // Dom&Sub Universe Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant