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Jeongin had gotten up from the ground after picking the things that spilled from his Tote bag back into the bag and after he picked up the broken crown. The black and blonde haired male held the pieces in both hands as he walked with his head down to find his husband. Jeongin looked around and soon found Chan, seeing him talking to Xinlong about starfish. Jeongin hesitantly walked over to Chan, scared of the reaction he was going to get.

Before Chan moved onto the next aquatic animal, Xinlong called Jeongin over. "Papa!" Chan looked over at his husband with a huge smile, Jeongin immediately looking away. Chan's smile had fallen from his face as he saw the broken crown in his husband's hands. The younger parent slowly walked to his husband with fear and tears rolling down his face.

"Papa, what's that in your hand?" Xinlong curiously asked as he tried looking at what was in his dad's hands. Jeongin frowned as tears kept rolling down his cheeks, not daring to tell his husband out of fear. "Baby? Is... is that your crown?" Jeongin hesitantly nodded as he sniffled and more tears rolled down his face.

"I'm sorry, Chan. I really am. I didn't mean to break it. I was being stupid and irresponsible. Im sorry. I really am. I didnt mean to break it. I loved it so much. I loved it. I was so special to me. Chan, I'm so sorry." Jeongin sobbed, making the older hug his husband. "Shhh, baby, it's okay. Let's go somewhere else really quick, you can explain what happened to it there." Jeongin nodded as they walked to the bathroom, Chan texting his oldest where they were just in case he tried looking for them.

"Baby, what happened?" The brown haired male asked with a gentle voice once they entered the empty bathroom. The younger parent just kept sobbing, making the little boy also cry. The oldest parent picked his son up and comforted him before Jeongin could speak. "My love, please tell me what happened" Chan pleaded.

Jeongin took in deep breaths so he could properly speak. "Please don't be mad at me and leave me." "Baby, that's not going to happen. I won't get mad, nor will I leave you. Please explain how this happened." The younger adult fearfully looked his husband in the eyes before quickly looking away to explain.

"I was just walking around and got to the empty part of the aquarium. I heard Changbin speak, and I looked back and saw him there. I was so happy to finally see him again. He called the others and they also came. Changbin kept saying things like: I'm not loveable and that you guys don't mean it when you say you guys love me. Do.... do you guys really not love me?" Jeongin frowned as he looked at his husband in the eyes.

Xinlong immediately spoke. "Papa, I love you! Why would they say that? Who doesn't love you?" The little boy, earning a sad smile from his younger dad who continued speaking after patting his son's head. "They.... they pushed me to the ground, and the crown fell. I tried grabbing it, but Minho and Jisung pushed me away from it and called me childish for wearing the crown. Chan, I'm sorry."

The black and blonde haired male apologized before sobbing. "Baby, it's okay. I'm not mad at you. I'll get it fixed for you." Jeongin shook his head."I'll get it fixed. I let Changbin stomp all over it, and I wasn't careful with it either." "Baby, it's okay. You don't control what Changbin does, so I'll gladly get someone to fix it." Jeongin frowned as he shook his head. "Please leave this for me to fix."

Chan sighed, knowing his husband wasn't going to let him pay for the repair. "Fine, I'll let you." Jeongin smiled as he slightly jumped. Just then, Hanyu had walked in, and a group of boys followed behind him. "Oh, you guys haven't left. Phew" Chan looked at each group behind him with anger before speaking to his son. "No, if you would've checked your phone, you would've known that!" Chan yelled.

"Calm your tits old man, I'm sorry. I was watching a dolphin performance." Jeongin also looked over at the group, feeling fear rise in him as he hid behind Chan, who was now facing the door where the others had just come in from, his back facing his husband. Xinlong squirmed out of his dad's hold to go with Jeongin after the yelling. "Papa, why's daddy mad at brother Yu?" Jeongin shook his head."He's not mad at him. He's mad at the group of people behind him." The black and blonde haired male explained to his son.

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