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Hyunjin was currently over at the Bang family's house, sitting on the couch as the family sat around him. Hanyu was sitting on a beanbag he had dragged next to the couch since there was no more room for him on the couch. They had all settled on watching Coraline since, well, it's a good movie. After the movie had ended, the five all groaned as they stretched, feeling relief after being in a confined position for so long.

Just after all that had happened, the family decided to talk to each other after Hyunjin spoke. "Jeongin, Changbin told me you texted him. Is that true?" Jeongin nodded. "Did he also tell you I blocked him for Innie's wellbeing?" Hyunjin nodded. "He wants me to tell you some threat, but I won't. I love- I can't bring myself to hurt you more than I already have." The tallest explained, feeling anxious since he was about to say 'I love you too much to go hurt you for someone's satisfaction again'.

"Daddy, has uncle Jin hurt papa?" The four adults looked at each other with thin lips, unsure if they wanted to tell the little boy the truth. "It was a long time ago, Xinlong. There's nothing to worry about anymore. Look, I'm fine, baby. I'm still here with you." Xinlong frowned as he had tears filling his eyes, looking over at Hyunjin with the teary eyes.

"Uncle Jin, why would you do that to my papa? Papa has feelings just like you do. Imagine if someone did that to you. How would you feel? Did you not like my papa back then? If you didn't, you could've just dealt with it better. My papa doesn't deserve that. Did you also hurt my daddy?" Hyunjin frowned at the little kid, who was getting picked up to sit on Jeongin's lap, hesitating to speak the truth.

"I didn't mean any of it. I liked your papa a lot, kid. I never hurt your daddy. There's always a story behind why someone does something. I have mine, but I can't tell you yet since you're not gonna like it." Hyunjin explained to the little kid who was crying on Jeongin's chest. "Long, baby, it's okay. I'm still here. He's not hurting me anymore. It's okay, little one." Jeongin reassured the little boy who started crying.

Hyunjin sat there with guilt, knowing he really could've dealt with things better, but wasn't risking his mom's life. He still isnt, but hes definitely toned down everything hes doing for Changbin. Chan and Hanyu just sat there watching the situation before Jeongin spoke. "Hyunjin, I never hated you. Don't feel guilty about what you've done. I know you have your reason to." Hyunjin just nodded before getting up. "I think it's time for me to go. I have to work tomorrow early in the morning."

"My guy, it's four p.m" Hanyu pointed out, quickly being dhushed by Chan. "If he wants to go, he can go. Don't force him to stay." Hanyu nodded as the three adults got up to bid their byes to the tallest. "Don't worry about anything, Jin. I forgive you." Jeongin spoke to the guest who left after nodding to the reassurance he received.

Just right after Hyunjin had waited the house, Xinlong spoke. "Papa, what if I dislike Uncle Jin for what he's done to you? Is that wrong?" Jeongin shook his head as a no. "There's nothing wrong with that, but you shouldn't dislike him if you don't know the full story of why he's done what he has, little one." The younger parent explained.

Xinlong nodded as he wiped his tears away. "Little Long, do you want to go play on my switch with me?" Hanyu offered, trying to take his brother's mind off of Hyunjin. The little boy nodded in agreement before he was put down and went to Hanyu's room with the oldest son following him.

"Innie, I love you." Chan blurted, having watched what his husband's mindset was like to love everyone. Jeongin sheepishly smiled before responding "I love you too, my midget." The two parents smiled and shared a kiss. "Baby, you're amazing. I love your personality. I love you. You dont judge quickly and listen to everyone's story. You really are perfect." Jeongin smiled as he hugged his husband.

"I love you for loving me. I won't judge without listening to someone's story. It's wrong." "You're an angel." "Don't exaggerate, I'm not." "Shh, you are. Don't say anything back." Jeongin nodded as he snuggled his face against Chan's shoulder. "You're perfect." Chan continued. "Stoppp, let's move on from that. Have you noticed that Xinlong has gained weight?!"

Jeongin exclaimed as he pulled away from the hug with a huge smile on his face. The oldest parent smiled and nodded in return "I have. You've helped him a lot. I'm proud of you for helping him. I've also noticed you've gained weight." The brown haired male stated with a proud smile.

The black and blonde haired male's smile slightly fell "is... is that good? Are you okay with me gaining weight? Are you not going to call me names? Are you mad?"

"No, Innie. I'm not mad. I'm proud of you both. Why would I get mad at you for being at a healthy weight? It's just like you being happy about Xinlong gaining weight. That's how I feel. I'm proud of you and happy for you. Don't think I'm gonna treat you differently." Chan reassured, kissing his husband's forehead

Jeongin nodded as he layed his head on Chan's shoulder. "Should I unblock Changbin and invite him over tomorrow?" The younger parent asked his husband, who furrowed his eyebrows in slight anger at the thought of having Changbin in his family's house. "No. Don't do that." Jeongin sat up right, looking at the older's eyes. "Can I please? I promise I'll keep it under control. I won't let anything happen. I wont let him do anything. If he does, I'll kick him out."

Chan sighed to calm his anger before speaking, "I want you to be happy. I'm gonna let you do this once. If he does anything to you to hurt you, I'm beating him up and calling the cops. I'll tell them everything he's done to you and the others. I'm going to be out here with you just to make sure everything goes alright. Am I clear?" Jeongin nodded to his brown haired husband, understanding where he was coming from.

"Words, Innie." "I get what you're saying, Chan. Thank you." Jeongin thanked, trying to hide his smile from his husband, who pulled him in for a hug. "Smile Innie, it's okay. I don't mean to sound controlling or anything, I just want you to be safe, okay?" The younger nodded as he smiled. "Thank you, Chan." "Of course, my love." Chan smiled before kissing the younger's cheek.

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