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The next day had come around, and the couple were cuddling with each other in the morning. Jeongin was facing Chan's chest as Chan gently held him. Jeongin had just woken up and looked up at his husband thinking: How did he get so lucky to have such an amazing husband? He was so beautiful, gentle, caring, present, and just everything Jeongin didn't realize he needed or wanted. The love of his life.

Jeongin placed a kiss on his husband's lips before looking at him again. It's been such a long time since they've been together. What if...... Chan doesn't feel anything anymore? No, Jeongin. You guys literally fucked last night. But, what if... what if that didn't mean anything to Chan? Or what if Chan had lost feelings a long time ago and was only with him because of the kids? Why would he do that, Jeongin? He's not like that.

Jeongin completely looked away from his husband and down to his chest before closing his eyes and snuggling back against the older's titties. He hoped his thoughts were wrong since he loved his husband too much for tgat too be true. Just as he'd done that, Chan's fingers were running through the black and blonde haired male's hair. Chan hadn't opened his eyes but was awake, so he didn't know if his husband was asleep or not. Either way, it didn't matter. He was going to speak his mind.

"My lovely, Innie." The older stated with a sigh, making Jeongin immediately listen, expecting something bad to come out of his husband's mouth. "You mean a lot to me. You really do. You're my husband. I love you so much, and I mean it. I don't want to lose you." Chan spoke, kissing the younger's head before opening his eyes and looking at the youngest male's head. "You're perfect, my Innie."

Just then, Jeongin decided to pretend to wake up and snuggle impossibly closer to his husband's titties. "Innie, you're awake!" Chan smiled as Jeongin groaned in both pain and at the thought of having to get up. "Innie, baby" Chan spoke with a voice filled with so much love, Jeongin could practically feel it. Maybe Chan hasn't lost feelings.

"Chan, my ass hurts." "I'm sorry, baby." Jeongin shook his head with a smile. "It's okay." The couple stayed in silence for a little before Chan spoke. "What were you going to tell me yesterday?" Chan asked his husband as he kissed his head. The younger bit his lip out of nervousness. "Oh.... please dont get mad, but the day we went to the aquarium and after the fight was over, I went back to grab my bag and you know how it was Hyunjin, Jisung and Seungmin that were on the ground?" The black and blonde haired male asked the Australian male, who nodded in response.

"Did they do anything to you?" Jeongin shook his head as a no."Hyunjin stopped me before i left and gave me his number after apologizing for what he's done. He was going to explain why they've done everything they have. I texted him-" "Jeongin, you really trust him after he apologized? Do you really believe the excuse he's given you?" "Chan, I do believe him. He told me the group was threatened by Changbin."

Chan froze. "He's threatened to kill their family members and them. You know the girl that Yuto raped?" Chan nodded,"Lee Eunchae" he stated. Jeongin nodded. "That was Minho's sister. Minho was going to beat or even kill Changbin and Yuto up for doing that to his sister. Changbin threatened to kill Minho if he ever did, but since Minho didn't want his parents to have both children dead, he didn't do it. Changbin kept pushing everyone to do what they did to me in high school because of the threats."

Chan's jaw had completely dropped. He really couldn't believe it. He knew the group was nice at times when Changbin wasn't around, but he didn't think anything of it. That's how he stayed friends with them for as long as he did. He could support them at times when they hung out, but others, he couldn't. Mainly because Changbin was there.

"Hyunjin told me this. He said he really did feel bad. He also said he started liking Felix first, and Changbin took him away from him, and that's why they were fine at first, but then the abuse started happening. He said he felt bad for Felix but soon moved on from having feelings for him and started liking me. He was going to confess, but at the time, we had just gotten together."

"Jeongin, we have to do something about Changbin. We can't just let him ruin people's lives the way Yuto did." "They're brothers, it's no surprise they did all that fucked up shit together." Chan nodded in agreement. "But yeah, Hyunjin told me he still hasn't lost feelings for me, but I feel bad for rejecting him. I trust him and never hated him, but I don't like him the way I love you. I feel bad for rejecting him since he's gone through so much just with staying with Changbin."

"Baby..... I could leave so you guys can get together. I.... I want you happy" Chan offered with a shaky voice and broken heart. He couldn't believe he had just done that, but when you want your loved one to be happy, your feelings don't matter. Chan thought.

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