36 - Shadow

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•Serenity Mansion•

Seokmin was passing by Joshua's room, not so accidentally, when he heard some raw vocals. He just leaned against the door and started to record it as an audio note.

Joshua was organising his closet while singing a song, dancing in tiny steps and dropping random adlibs.

It was when Joshua turned around and flinched at the sight of the younger standing against the door, "You scared me."

"I was just enjoying my free concert." Seokmin chuckled, "Please continue."

"I- You-" Joshua's eyes widened, "You heard it all? Shit."

"Wow you're literally singing with this door open and don't want anyone to hear?" Seokmin walked into the room while closing the door, "Who won't stop to listen this heavenly voice?"

Joshua was flustered at the sudden compliment, "Yeah shut up, whatever."

"You don't believe me?" Seokmin pulled out his phone and played the recording, "Listen to it yourself."

"What the-" Joshua gasped, "You recorded it?"

"Couldn't help." Seokmin grinned, "Sorry."

"No delete it. It's so bad." Joshua tried to snatch the phone.

"No what are you talking about? I would rather make it my ringtone." Seokmin raised the phone high.

"Seokmin I swear-" Joshua clutched on the younger's shirt to jump and take the phone, "Delete it."

"Why are you so worried? It's actually really good, hyung." Seokmin admired while safe guarding the phone.

"It isn't, I know." Joshua frowned, "You just have to compliment everything I do."

Seokmin held the older's waist to halt him, "True. Because everything you do is worth complimenting."

Joshua stared at the younger as he gulped hard, "Uh- leave me."

"On one condition." Seokmin whispered, "Sing for me."

"NO WAY! You'll probably run away." Joshua rolled his eyes.

"Why are you saying this? You actually sing really well." Seokmin whined, "Just once? Okay I'll sing along with you. The song you were just singing."

They parted away slowly as Joshua hesitantly began singing, "Shadow my shadow my shadow, I don't want anyone to see you. Shadow my shadow my shadow, oh, I know you're me too."

Seokmin harmonized with him after which he offered him his hand. Joshua accepted it as the younger guided it to his own shoulder while he himself wrapped his arm around the older's waist. They both intertwined their spare hands and began to sway steadily.

"Shadow my shadow my shadow, I don't want to hide it, I wanna hold your hand."

"Even my darkness will shine brightly, baby I'm a shadow of you."

With that, they continued to sing and dance as they got more and more comfortable in each other's arms. Their giggles erupted as they ended the song.

"Wow you sing so well." Joshua admired, "And dance too. You're like a professional."

"Oh please- as if you yourself weren't eating that up." Seokmin rolled his eyes playfully.

"I was actually feeling really cold earlier. My hands were literally frozen." Joshua stated, "But now I feel so warm."

"Let me know when you feel cold again, I'll be there." Seokmin chuckled.

"Where do you learn these cheesy lines from?" Joshua smacked the younger's chest gently.

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