16. This Is the Start Of How It All Ends

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                The next morning, Raquel tossed an apple over to me as I tossed bread back at her.

Kari picked through her food as Dallas leaned back in her seat.

I glanced back at her, "What is wrong?"

Dallas shook her head back at me, "Just like that everything is gonna be ok?"

Kari stopped eating, "Nothing is gonna be ok. We will in a world of fear every day. Every time someone walks through those trees into our camp we don't know if they are friendly or not. Our lives fucking suck."

I glanced up as Isabel walked into the tent.

Axel was the first to stand up, "Can I help you?"

Isabel glared at him, "Sit down kid."

I shook my head back at her, "No one wants your ass around here Isabel."

Isabel pushed Axel to the side, "I am the queen to be, you will not talk to me."

"The last time I checked, Kane was still alive and unmarried. You are going to marry Solomon. Keep that in mind." I stood up and looked back at her.

"My family will be here this afternoon."

Kari glanced up at her, "What are you talking about?"

"My father sent for them last night, they are all coming down early. He wants this completed. He needs this; I need this for my people."

I shook my head back at her, "Good for your people knowing that a bitch like you will be ruling and destroying their land."

"They are families with children." Isabel cried at me.

"There are families here! There are children here! Think about that! You are not just about to rule that little land, you are also about to rule this land. Do you even know the people here? Do you even care about the people here?"

Isabel just looked at me as many of the people in the tent looked at her waiting for an answer.

"You are so worried about yourself and your land that you don't give two shits about what is going on here and the new threat of this village. Get your head out of the sand Isabel and realize that now with Loki gone, we have two threats against us."

Isabel dropped her eyes from me as she turned and walked away.

I shook my head as I walked out of the tent.

I started down the path when I saw Kane standing off to the side.

I walked over to him and stood next to him as he was watching the birds in the river.

"It's very peaceful here."

"It is when you get the chance to take the beauty in." I smiled back at him.

"Solomon is marrying Isabel tomorrow. There is nothing that we can do about it McKenzie."

I looked back at him.

"I want more for him but combing two kingdoms is part of this world. We either do it or we are forced out of it. It isn't something I like but I can't see my children being killed over this."

"You know that Loki wanted something else and he still does."

Kane glanced back at me.

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