19. That the Inevitable End Was Near

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                Back at the house, Maddox glanced over at Sanna as she was looking out the window of the back of the house. "What are you doing?"

Sanna glanced back at her brother, "You know like I do that something freaked Kingston out about McKenzie. Something really just didn't sit with him when it came to her."

Maddox narrowed his eyes back at her, "What are you trying to say?"

"I'm trying to point something out. That Kingston knows something about her."

Maddox stepped back as Isabel came into the room.

"Have either one of you seen Solomon?" Isabel looked at them.

Sanna looked back out the window as Maddox shook his head back at her.

Isabel narrowed her eyes back at him, "Where is Solomon at?"

Maddox narrowed his eyes back at her, "Don't look at me like I know the answer when I just said that I didn't know."

"No, you shook your head at me; you can talk to me like a normal person. You can look me in the eyes and tell me something when I know that I have already lost everything today! My father is dead and I have nothing left!"

Sanna glared back at her, "You have Solomon. You have us. You are his future bride. So that means you are our family. Never say that again or I will never accept you as family."

Isabel looked back at her, "You see me as family?"

"I don't have a sister and the thought of having a sister does make me happy."

Isabel smiled at her when Solomon walked through the front door.

Solomon wiped the corner of his lips as Isabel looked back at him, "What are you doing?"

"I was looking for you." Isabel said back to him.

Solomon nodded his head, "I was just coming back from the barn. I have been thinking."

Sanna narrowed her eyes at him as Isabel took him up the steps.

Maddox shook his head as he turned around.

"He wasn't in the barn." Sanna muttered out.

Maddox smiled down at her, "This is when you keep your thoughts to yourself."

Sanna smiled back at him as he vanished out of the room. "Maybe she won't be family."

I walked up to the tent as I heard singing.

I pushed the curtain back as Kane had his back to me.

I cleared my throat as his head lifted.

"McKenzie, you are the person that I wanted to talk to."

"So you wanted to talk to me about what?"

Kane turned to me, "You know that something tragic will happen to my sons. But McKenzie I can't have that."

I glanced up at him.

"Can you help my sons?"

"I'm back here Kane and I will do whatever I have to do."

Savages | Part OneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora