32. It's My Party and I'll Cry If I Want To

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                Caleb coughed up blood as the guard took another swing at him hitting him in the chest.

Caleb looked up at him as Loki glared down at him, "I won't say a thing about them!"

Loki nodded his head as the guard hit Caleb again.

Caleb screamed out in pain as a bone snapped in his chest.

Loki went over to Caleb and grabbed his jaw, "You think your life is worth losing over them?"

"McKenzie didn't kill Kane. You are a murderer!"

Loki smiled back at Caleb, "No one is gonna believe you. And once I'm done with you, no one will understand you."

Caleb looked at him as the guard sent the bat across his face.

Caleb hit the ground as the guard swung again and again slamming it down on Caleb's jaw.

Loki glanced back as he heard the crack.

"Enough," Loki walked back over to Caleb as his jaw was smashed to pieces and blood was running everywhere.

Caleb weakly looked up at Loki.

"This land belongs to me and you have paid for it." Loki smiled back at him.

Caleb's eyes got wide as the guard sent the bat down on him once more.

Loki walked away with a smile as the guard called more over to help him.

Loki walked into the tent as Raquel was sitting in his seat, "What are you doing?"

"I'm here at your request or really the lovely guard that pulled me out of bed." Raquel snorted back at him.

Loki shook his head back at her, "I told you that I needed you on the west side today."

"I am not your bodyguard, I'm not working for you Loki." Raquel said back to him.

"You think I won't have you killed?" Loki shouted back at her.

Raquel looked at the guard holding a sword to her throat, "If you wanted me dead, I would be dead."

Raquel pushed the sword away as she walked out of the tent.

She glanced over as she saw Axel being taken to the pole.

Raquel glared back at Loki, "What are you doing?"

Loki glanced up from his food, "Can I help you?"

Raquel rushed back over to him tossing the food to the side, "What are you doing with Axel?"

"I was eating that."

"You piece of shit, what are you doing to Axel?"

"He worked with Maverick, I need answers." Loki said back to her.

"You are gonna punish him, you are gonna hurt the only kid that has ever loved your niece. You are gonna make him scream for what? For him to say that he knows nothing and you know that. He has been here with us for the past 2 weeks. He hasn't seen Maverick since he got back and you tossed him into the chambers!"

Loki glanced up at her.

"Making him suffer won't do anything. You know that she is going to show up and she is going to kill you."

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