A Finalized Decision

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Jack doesn't hesitate when TRF asks if he can see his family again.
Grief and yearning drives his decision.

CW: Swear words and most likely the same stuff in the last chapter

*Not Beta Read. Expect a few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Jack stood in front of TRF, his expression locked in one of absolute shock.

There's no way. He was dreaming.

this couldn't be real.

Old Sport had spent.. maybe 1 month in real time in this cursed void, but to him, it felt like decades. And now, after all this time, TRF now was telling Jack that he could see his family again? That he might've not even had to come to this wretched place?

He felt angry again before TRF continued his offer.


Honestly? Jack didn't care for whatever risk he had to take. He just wanted to be with his family again. He had missed them all terribly, especially Dave.

He missed Dave so much.

The way his stupid New York accent sounded, his stupid slightly scaly skin, his stupid dark purple hair, that horrible disgusting, moldy orange crystal necklace he'd always wear, his- His personality. How kind he was to Jack. How he threatened to kill anybody who even threatened to be mean to him. How protective he was. Dave always managed to make Jack feel a certain way whenever he was around him. Whether it just be simple happiness, frustration, bitterness, all the ways Dave made him feel were enjoyable. Jack loved how..

..How loved he felt.

He hadn't felt loved like the way Dave made him feel loved in such a long time. His eyes watered at the thought of never seeing Dave ever again.

Or Peter.

Jack wanted to cry right there and then. Everybody Jack had ever loved had been torn away from him, whether it be his siblings, best friend, his fucking parents, even his fucking dog,-

He clenched his fists, his fingernails digging into the palms of his now sweaty hands. He remembered The Real Fredbear's offer and realized he had forgotten to give a reply.

Jack looked back up at TRF. Tangerine inhaled sharply, and exhaled even sharper. He didn't give the offer much thought. The thought of seeing Dave and Peter and Dee and everybody was enough to make him agree immediately.

"I'll do it. Just get me out of this fucking place and let me fucking see my damn family again." Jack retorted harshly, taking an eager step towards TRF.

The yellow bear seemed to wince.

"LANGUAGE, PLEASE," He murmured, scratching his ear with a paw.

"Ah, right, sorry." Tangerine mumbled.

"...ARE YOU SURE, KENNEDY? YOU ARE AWARE THAT THIS MAY NOT WORK, AND THE DATE YOU'LL BE SENT BACK TO IS-" Jack, growing tired of this, and the heat of the void was making him sweat.

"Yes. Please."

"..I want to see my family again." Jack spoke quietly, this time with more yearning rather than anger.

The Real Fredbear stood still for a moment, as if contemplating whether he should really do this or not.

He sighed.

"ALRIGHT. BUT PLEASE KNOW THAT-" Jack was beginning to get irritated as he took another step closer to the seeming glowing yellow bear.

"Yap, yap, yap, I seriously don't care, Fred."


"I'll call you whatever," He snarled, glaring up at TRF with harsh, glowing pupils.

The darkness of the void made his pupils seem like they were flashlights being shone in a pitch black room. TRF sometimes had to look away because his eyes genuinely hurt TRFs'.

The Real Fredbear took another deep breath.


That was the last thing Jack Kennedy heard from TRF before he was was suddenly engulfed by a bright yellow light. Jack squinted. It actually.. hurt!..

The pain subsided after a few seconds. Then he was surrounded by pitch black, utter darkness.


But not for long.


hello thank u for clicking next chapter and reading this!!!!!!!!!!!! it meens so mucjto me u dont even understand :,o]

expect next upd8 in 3 days!!!!!!!! :o]c

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