A Flash to the Past

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Jack went back in time. He thought he was going to be anywhere else but here, of all places.
He started to regret not asking a thousand questions, but not until he was met with a familiar face.

CW: Swearing and probably the same stuff as last chapter

*Not Beta Read. Expect a few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.

Jack yelped as his face collided with the floor. He had got to stop falling down.

"Gah.. F-fuck.." Tangerine muttered, using his arms to prop himself up off the floor and shift around so he was sitting down.

He blinked, realizing how fucking bright it was. Jack squinted. He used his hand to shield his hand from the.. sun, he assumed, with a quick rush of adrenaline.

Once his eyes had adjusted to the brightness, he decided it was probably time to stand up and get off the disgusting, dirty, bubblegum-covered sidewalk.

Jack put his hand on his knee and heaved himself up, rubbing his eyes. It was like he had woken up from a year long nap. Jack glanced around and took in his surroundings.

He was on a very familiar street, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Yellowish-greenish leaves covered the light brown trees surrounding him. Green grass was visible on one side of the road, and the other side of the road was..

Oh god.

Oh fuck.

Fredbear's.. Family Diner.

What the fuck?!



"H-hey, uh, are y-you.. okay..?"

A stuttery, kind of difficult to understand voice tinged with a New York accent spoke out. Jack kept his eyes fixed on the sidewalk before the voice sounded again.

"..Do you need.. help..?" It said again. Tangerine didn't seem to realize that that person that was talking was talking to him. Jack.


"N-nah, I'm fine, s-sorry-" God, how embarrassing. Old Sport was only here for like.. what, 50 seconds..? and was already getting himself embarrassed. Jack, mid-sentence, tried to get to his feet, but alas, no dice.

"Oof!" He fell down again. Lord. This was horrible.

"Uh- Here, t-take my hand, maybe," The New Yorkian said calmly, his voice laced with concern and worry as he reached his hand out to Jack. Jack, despite not even knowing who the fuck this was (it was probably a weird hobo) who this was, took his hand and heaved himself up, accidently a little too hard as he bumped his chest on the person who was helping him up. They, oddly, flinched at the touch, but quickly backed up and seperated him and Jack's hands.

"Thanks, man," Jack murmured, brushing his clothes off with his hands. He saw a slight nod of the figure, who he could now get a better look at.

The first thing he noticed about the.. man..? Jack wasn't too sure. He had a freakishly long neck, a fucking tail, and..



Jack's eyes widened as he further inspected the person in front of him, who was now fidgeting with his fingers anxiously.

They were purple.

The man had long, darker than his skin purple hair that deeply resembled Dave's usual hairstyle.

Not to mention, their fingernails were akin to claws, and they had a tail that was similar to a lizards. It was the same shades of purple as the rest of his skin.

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