A Preparatory Start

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The first day at Fredbear's. A normal, average day at Fredbear's.

CW: Swearing, probably the same as the previous chapters

*This is not beta read. Expect a LOT of f00kin spelling errors and grammatical errors.

Jack blinked groggily as he stared at himself in the mirror. Dark orange eye bags were plastered under his eyes and his skin looked dry as fuck.

Something Jack had realized when he went back in time that he was orange, even without makeup. He honestly wasn't complaining though because it meant he didn't have to put on damn makeup every morning, and his springlock scars were hardly visible.

His black, soulless eyes gazed into his reflection in thought.

Henry had called him today, and stated that today was his first day on the job. He was told that he would be doing would be discussed at the diner. That meant Jack had to get out of bed and take a shower and stuff that alive people would do. Ugh.

The Real Fredbear hadn't paid him a visit last night. He wondered why. Maybe he was just busy? Meh. Who cares. He had other things to worry about today.

He tried smiling in his mirror but instead of a friendly, warm, welcoming smile spreading on his face a terrifying, sinister grin made way. Jack shivered and stopped smiling immediately. He didn't recall his smile ever looking like that, at least, not until a few days ago.

Jack sighed and exited the bathroom after brushing his teeth and put on a white t-shirt with the words "i am literally immortal bc i made a pact with a literal bear deity and all i got was this lousy t-shirt" and some navy blue jeans. He hadn't been handed any workwear so he just figured he'd wear his usual outfit.

He put on his shoes and headed outside, not bothering to get anything to eat for breakfast.

Jack closed the door behind him with a quiet creak and started towards his.. oh.

He was expecting a lot today, but not what greeted him.

"Hi, old sport!" Exclaimed an aubergine man not too far away from Jack. He sat in his car with an arm hanging out of the window and a shit-eating grin etched on his face. He waved happily at aforementioned tangerine.

Another thing Jack was not expecting was the irritated emotion he felt when his eyes landed on William. Why was he feeling so angry? This was the love of his life a few feet away from him!

He sighed and returned the wave with a small smile.

"Hi, Will," Jack started as he walked towards William's car.

He decided not to ponder on how long said aubergine had been waiting for old sport to get out. He already kind of knew the answer to that, he thought half-heartedly.

William began to yap about how fun today was going to be and the things he had planned for today. Jack opened the door to the passengers seat and plopped down in the seat next to Will, who grinned.

"We're gonna finish painting the walls of the stage, today, if ya want to help out with'at," William spoke loudly, starting up the car by putting his keys in the keyhole. The engine grumbled and the car slowly retreated from it's original spot and onto the road.

Jack sighed. He didn't want to help out with anything, to be completely and brutally honest, he just wanted to sleep and figure out why The Real Fredbear hadn't spoken to him last night. Did something come up? He was a little lost on what to do so it would be nice if TRF actually fucking talked to him.

He didn't want to seem like an ass though, and Jack knew how much this probably meant to Will. So, he did what any loyal, caring boyfriend friend what do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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