An Irreversible Agreement

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Jack is given a tour of the Diner and how things go. Henry offers Jack a job at the Diner to which he accepts, and encounters a.. familiar..? face.

also because i tjink its nice we get cryptid dave; think "a prologue" type dave :3c

CW: swearing, panic, face distortion i think

*This is not beta read. Expect a lot of f00kin spelling errors and grammatical errors.

The tour ended almost as fast as his life did. (sorry not sorry)

He had spent almost the entire day at the Diner, making pizzas, talking with William, looking at shit, pointing out shit, etc, etc. The sun had almost set, a nice shade of orange cast over the sky.

Despite the beautiful sunset and fun day, Old Sport was feeling nowhere near happy. In fact, he was a little irritated.

Jack found his legs aching and yearning to rest, while William chattered on and on about kebabs, seemingly not taking a second to breathe. His tail waved enthusiastically as he spoke, which old sport found himself staring at. He never really figured out what Dave was, but he suspected he was some kind of snake.. Cryptid..? Something along those lines.

The tour concluded with him and Dave ending up next to Henry again. Said magenta man spoke into William's ear, to which he nodded with an excited look.

"Well, old sport, how'd'ya like the place? Pretty snazzy, amirite?" Will cheered, leaning towards Jack as he said that last bit. Jack nodded with a rather bored expression on his face.

"Yeah, this place is pretty cool." He said flatly, putting a hand to his mouth as he tried to hold back a yawn, but, alas, no dice. William lit up, his tail wavering in the air.

"Thank ya! Me an' Henry have spent quite a while on this diner. It's been.. maybe [REDACTED] yea's since we started workin' on it..?" Said aubergine glanced down at his business partner to see if he was correct. Henry hummed, giving a slight nod of the head.

"[REDACTED] years. Very good, Willy." Strawberry gave William a pat on the back. He made an odd sound akin to a purr and practically skipped over to the other side of Henry. Jack's eyelids felt heavy. He felt like he was about to fall asleep.

Henry looked back at Jack with a horrible grin. He was probably trying to be friendly, but old sport wished he would just be evil instead. That smile was absolutely terrifying. "So, Kennedy," He started, his eyes burning into Jack's. Jack glanced away, avoiding eye contact. Was he trying to be this menacing?

"I don't believe William informed you, but we are currently low on staff." He murmured, glancing at the aubergine besides him. William blinked then nodded vigorously.

Jack tilted his head. No durr they were low on staff, this place wasn't even open yet! The painted walls of the diner weren't even fully dry yet. Henry continued.

"You have been given a tour of the entire place, as well as a rundown of how things go here, correct?"

Old sport nodded slowly but surely. While showing off the stage, Will had told Jack about the springlock suits and animatronics. Not like he needed to be reminded about them. He shuddered slightly.

"Do you happen to already have a job somewhere..?" Henry murmured, taking a step towards Jack. His dark, sinister eyes glinted in the artificial lighting.

"Where are you going with this?" Tangerine deadpanned. He folded his arms and Henry gave a sigh.

"I'm proposing you work here. We don't have.." Magenta man glanced at Will, who looked at Henry with wide eyes. He sighed, again, this time more heavy, and rubbed his temples. "..Many staff, like I already said. It would be a pleasure having you work here. The pay would-" Jack cut Henry off.

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