A Non-Needed Introduction and Deep Thoughts.

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Jack is introduced to Henry and Fredbear's Family Diner. Jack does a lot of noticing and a shit ton of thinking.

CW: Swear words, Anxiety, distress, repeating words and bold/all caps

*Not Beta Read. Expect a few grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. (what i wanted this chapter to focus on changed half way so if some sentences dont correlate with stuff said in the future just ignore it :,o])

The first thing Jack noticed when he entered the building was the harsh, bright white light. Jack winced, bringing up a hand to his face to shield his eyes from the light.

"It's bright as fuck in here," Old sport grumbled, looking back at Will, who was glancing around anxiously. He jumped at Jack's voice.

"O-oh, yeah, uh, sorry about that, sportsy." Jack found himself yearning to hear that name again. Tangerine had missed Dave so fucking much, and knowing that this wasn't his Dave broke his heart. But he didn't get all emotional again because he remembered that he could fix everything! He could restore his and Dave's relationship!

He could be fucking happy again.

"Poor design choice me an' Henry never bothered to fix. I might in the futcha, now that you've mentioned it.." William murmured, scratching his chin.

"Please fix it. My eyes are on fire."


The orange and purple figures continued walking towards nowhere, Jack assumed, in silence. Tangerine was left with his thoughts again. He was slightly greatful as he tried to understand some stuff.

The Real Fredbear might visit him in his sleep tonight. Maybe not, but old sport prayed so. He was kind of lost. He didn't know what period of time he was in and Jack felt lost.

Not as lost as he could've though. Dave was here with him. Not quite his Dave, but a Dave. And that was more than enough to put some of his troubled thoughts as ease.

Before he remembered something.

Henry was fucking here.

Words could not express how much Jack fucking hated-

"Oh, hiya, Hen!" An all-too familiar New York accent called out besides Jack. Old sport's head perked up as he glanced around to see who William was talking to.

"Hello, William."

Oh fuck.

Oh fuck, no.

A short pink man with a husky, gravelly voice tinged with curiosity spoke out towards William. Jack knew who that was. He knew too fucking well who that was.

Old sport clenched his fists.

Why the fuck was Dave talking to Henry like that?! Didn't they just fucking kill him a month ago?! What was-

Jack's blood was boiling by the time William had practically skipped over to him and chattered about something inaudible from where Jack was standing. Will's tail wavered excitedly as he spoke. Henry's eyes flickered to Jack. He looked the tangerine man up and down with a slightly confused look, but his facial expression was incredibly hard to read.


That's right.

This wasn't the Dave and Henry he was familiar with.

This was William Afton and a.. perhaps less evil version of Henry Miller.

That didn't make Jack feel any better.

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