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The next day, Ciaraa awoke to a morning filled of notifications from every social media app and messages from different people. She hated that someone could be evil to her and she didn't even know who they were. Sometimes her fame was a thorn in her side and this moment was definitely one of those times.

"Knock, knock. Are you up?" Diiamond said as she peeked her head into Ciaraa's bedroom.

Ciaraa nodded her head as she sat up in the bed, watching as Diiamond and Currency came into her room. Diiamond sat the breakfast tray on Ciaraa's nightstand before Currency and her joined Ciaraa in the bed.

"How are you feeling this morning?" Currency asked.

"Like hell. My phone keeps going off and this baby is throwing me for a loop with all of this throwing up." Ciaraa replied.

"Did the guys say anything about a lead on the video?" Diiamond asked as she looked over Ciaraa's notifications.

Ciaraa shook her head. "Fargo and I talked about it last night before we left but no leads as of yet. Ski is supposed to find the original posting but I don't even know if he started with them coming back home."

"They'll definitely find out and handle it. How are you going to address social media though? Most of these comments are just trash." Currency said as she looked over Diiamond's shoulder, at the phone.

"I don't even want to think about it." Ciaraa sighed as she laid back down in the bed and covered her face with a pillow.

"You have to say something sis'" Diiamond told her as she finally locked the phone and sat it down.

"I haven't even seen past thirty seconds of the video. Someone mentioned that I gave head like a wet vacuum, whatever that means." Ciaraa mumbled.

"Ignore those comments." Currency told her.

Diiamond nodded in agreement. "Most of them are horny men. You just have to explain that it was nothing more than someone leaking a private moment in your relationship. Leave it at that." She shrugged.

"I'll think about it." Ciaraa told her.

Everyone's attention went to Ciaraa's phone as it began to ring. She leaned up in the bed and grabbed the phone, reading the name that flashed across the screen.

"Shut up, this is my manager." Ciaraa told them.

The girls began to quiet down as Ciaraa answered the phone and placed it to her ear. Diiamond and Currency leaned in close, trying to hear as much of the conversation as possible.

"Hello." Ciaraa answered.

"Hey Jasper, yeah." She continued on.

"Yes, I've seen a small part of the video and I can honestly say that this was nothing intentional or a drunken mistake. I don't know how it was possible but security cameras were hacked into and my relationship was placed on display without my consent." Ciaraa spoke as she rose from the bed and began to walk to her bathroom.

"What do you think that's about?" Currency asked Diiamond.

Diiamond shrugged as she turned back to her. "Whatever it is, I hope it's better news."

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