More Than Friends

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The next day at school Connor was excited to see Jude as always. "Hey Jude, so did you decide if you wanted to come over or not after school?" Connor asked. "Yes I will be there." Jude said. "Where are we going?" Jude asked. "We are going to the movies. I met two girls Daria and Stephanie who said they would come with us." Connor said. "Who is that?" "Oh look they are coming our way now." Connor said. "Hey Daria Stephanie!" Connor called towards them. "Oh hey look it is Connor." Stephanie said. "Oh hey Connor" called Daria, "who is your friend?" She asked. "Oh this is Jude, Jude this is Stephanie." "Hey." Jude said. "Hey." Stephanie replied.

*After school Daria, Stephanie, Jude and Connor all met up at the movie theatre.*

"So what are we coming here to see?" Asked Daria. "The Fault In Our Stars." Connor said. "Awesome" said Stephanie.

As they all took their seats Jude had flash backs of his conversation with Jesus this morning ("so where are y'all going?" Jesus asked. "To the movies" Jude replied. "So a date?" Jesus asked. "Date?" "Yeah a movie theatre. Where it is dark. Where you can do things with a girl you can't do other places.") When the movie came on everything went back to reality.

Connor sat with Daria on his right and Jude on his left with Stephanie on the other side of Jude. Everything became dark and Jude felt his hair on his neck shoot up. Connor and Judes hands became closer and closer until their hole pinkies where around eachother. Both equally as nervous.

After the movies Daria and Stephanie went to their house and Connor Jude to theirs. "Thanks for inviting us!" Daria shouted as she walked into her house with Stephanie. "So that was a good movie." Jude said. "Yeah it was." Connor replied as Connor turned on his streat. "I will see you tomorrow!" Connor said. Jude walked home silence filled the air.

The next day at school Callie and Brandon where talking in the halls. "So have you met anyone new?" Brandon asked. "No, not really." Callie said. "Well maybe you should put yourself more out there towards people. Stop shutting people away." Brandon said. "What does that mean?" "I mean stop shutting people out. Make them feel wanted." "You know Brandon I would try, but everytime I try to do something for someone else I ruin it. Not just for them but for me too." Callie said then walked away.

"Hey, Want to hangout after school at my house?" Jude asked. "I can ask but I don't know if my dad will let me."

After school Jude goes home in hope that Connor will come over but it is already 5:40pm and he isn't there... until he hears the door bell."I'll get it!" Shouts Mariana "Jude your friend is here!" Mariana shouts right after. "Okay I am coming." Jude replies. "Hey Connor come in." Jude says. "I told my dad I wa coming over." Said Connor. "And he was okay with it?" "I didn't ask if he was okay with it."

After about 30 minutes of talking Jude finally says something..."So have you heard from Daria?" "No not since the movie." Connor replied. "Oh well do you wanna go play outside?" Asked Jude. "Sure" Connor said.

When they go outside they pick up the baseball gloves and thow the ball back and forth. "Oh sorry, I didn't mean to throw it that hard." Jude says with a chuckle. "Oh yeah?" Connor says as they both chase each other. When Connor tackles Jude to the ground, "Okay, okay." As they both started laughing. *Connors phone rings.* "It's Daria. She wants me to come over." "Go." Jude snaps. "No really I can stay." "No just... just go." "Fine." Connor says as he hops to his feet and walks off.

*Jude goes to his room.*

After about 10-15 minutes Jude hears foot steps coming through the hall it is his moms. "Hey honey, are you okay?" Asked Stef. "Yes. It just Connor and I... we did do something that I guess you could say was wrong... at camp in the tent." Jude says upset. "Baby, what happened?" Stef asks comforting him. "Connor and I kissed okay?" Jude says with tears rolling doen his face. While Jude is crying the door bell rang again. "I'll get it." Lena said. When she opens the door Connor was there. "Oh Connor come in." Lena says closing the door behind him. "Jude is upstairs." Stef said. "Okay."

When Connor walks in Jude is surprised. "Connor, I thought you were with Daria?" Jude says. " No, I broke up with Daria." Connor says with tears in his eyes. "Why?" Jude asks. "Because I wanted to see my friend." Connor said. "Friend? Is that all I am to you? I just.... You kissed me, remember, in the tent? The you held my hand. I don't get this! I don't get you!" Jude snaps.
*Connor leans in closer for a kiss* "I'm so sorry Jude, I like you." Connor says. "I like you too Connor." Jude replies.

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