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We were seconds away from the school as we arrived Jude went from being pale to being bright red. He knew today would be different.
         As Jude walks in the doors of the school he spots Connor. Connor is instantly smiling "Hey, Jude." He says "hi Connor" Jude replied. "What's this?" Connor asks looking at Judes nails. "Warpaint." Jude says with a smile. Jude and Connor spent all day together.


        Mean while.... "Hey Jesus. I wanted to let you know that you made the wrestling team but in order to be able to join the team you have to go to summer camp. Are you up for it?" Asked the coach. "Yes, but I would have to ask my moms of course." Jesus answers. "Alright, just tell me what's going on." "Okay coach." Said Jesus.

    * After school*
    When school let out that day Jesus was excited to be home. "Moms I got some important news." "What is it Jesus?" Stef asked "Coach said I could join the wrestling team but in order to do so... I have to go to summer camp." "Okay." Stef replied "Just let your mom and I talk about it." Stef said. "Okay." Jesus said walking up stairs. "So are we really gonna let him go to this camp?" Asked Lena "If that's what he wants." Stef replied "okay." Lena said.

          *Brandon plays piano*
        "Hey B. You are still home on a Saturday night?" Asked Stef, "Why don't you go to the beach with Callie, Mariana, Jude and Connor?" She asked. "I don't know I am not in the mood." Brandon said. "Oh okay" She said, walking back to the kitchen.

   -Scene changes, to the beach-

      "So Mariana anything new?" asked Callie. "No not really" Mariana said. "Well I am going to go in the water." Mariana said after. "Okay you go at it girl." Callie said happliy.
      "Cole?" Callie shouted in shock. (One of the girls from 'Girls United') "That's me!" Cole said back. "What are you doing here?" Asked Callie. "Nothing much. I am throwing a party from LGBTQ kids from all around the world." Said Cole. "Oh okay, well that's amazing." Said Callie.
         "Hey jude. You and Connor should come too! It will give you a chance to meet other gay kids around the world." Cole implied. (Jude suddenly was upset by the word 'gay' he hated labels) "You really think so?" Asked Jude "Yeah it will be fun. A night to just be, you know?" "So who are you going with?" Asked Callie. "Going alone." Cole replied. "What, you can't go to your own party alone! There has gotta be someone you can go with" Callie said. "Like who?" Cole asked "like me!" Callie said with joy. "Really?" "Yeah!" Callie said. "Alright it's a date!" Cole said excited. "What time will you pick me up?" Asked Callie. "6:00pm." Cole insured her. "Alright, it's a date." Said Callie.

Skip to 6:00pm that night........

   *door bell rings*
"Hello Stef and Lena." Says Cole "Oh hello Cole. Why you look nice!"
       *Callie walks down the stairs*
       "Hey Cole." Callie says with a smile. "You look amazing!" Cole said. "Thank you!" Callie replied.
          *Then came another door bell ring.*
      "Hello Connor, It's great to see you!" Stef says. "You too." Connor replies.
     *Jude walks down the stairs.*

       "Hey, Jude!" Connor says with a huge smile. "Hey." Jude says walking towards him. As they hold hands and walk out the door.


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