Jude and Connor

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I walk home from school that day with Connor by my side, we hold hands. "Zack and I did something wrong..." Jude said upset.

"What do you mean!?" Connor asked frustrated,

"We kissed... " Jude said crying.

"Why would you do this to me? With your foster brother?!" Connor shouted.

"I am sorry Connor, he reminded me of you the way he blinked slowly and flared his nose when he is upset." Jude said tears rolling down his cheeks.

"Jude... why?" Connor asked burying his face in his hands.

*door opens.*

"Hey guys!" A voice said... it was Zack.

"I'm sorry. Connor, I love you." Jude said.

"Bye, Jude," Connor said crying.

Zacks POV:
I walked in and saw Connor crying. He said bye walking out the door as I followed.

"Hey- Connor! Where are you going?" I asked.

"Stop! Stop caring about me... no one else does!" Connor said bursting into a run.

Connors POV:
I feel bad for Jude, Zack is a perfect match for him... they do have more in common... both foster kids, both have light green eyes.

I can feel someone following me it is Zack, I decide to sit down on a bench near the park.

Zack sits down next to me, "listen Connor, I am so sorry that I did this to you and Jude. I never meant to ruin things between y'all. Can you just give me a second chance?... please?" He asked me.

"I forgive you, I understand but can you please stay away from my Judicorn?" I asked.

"Yes, I just wish I hadn't screwed things up between y'all." Zack replied.

"No, I get it. Jude probably wanted it to- I mean y'all have more in common than him and I... I hope that he can forgive yo-" I say getting cut off by lips against mine.

Zacks POV:
Connor is being so sweet about this and I am so attracted to him, he is cute and sweet. He was saying something but I had to stop him...

I started kissing him... his lips so soft on mine and passionate. We kissed harder and harder.

He layed me down and layed on top of me.

I moaned a little "uh, C-connor..." I tries to stop him but he cut me off and kept kissing.

"Shhh babe, try not to talk." Connor said. Zack pulled away.

"Connor, What about Jude?" I asked him.

"Fuck, I got to go apologize to him." Connor replied.

"Are we going to keep this a secret?"

"Yes, this will never happen again." Connor replied.

Judes POV:
Connor has been gone for 45 minutes, Zack followed him out I hope that they are okay now.

*Door swings opened.*

Connor rushes in- onto Judes arms. They kiss passionately...

Zack behind them, watching as he saw them kiss against the wall.

" Sooo, I will be upstairs." Zack said walking up the stairs.

"Connor, you aren't mad at me anymore?" Asked Jude.

"I can't stay mad at you, I love you." Connor said in return. "I love you too!" Jude replied.

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