Day One... Tired

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Authors note-
I am still not sure if anyone is even reading this... so please just maybe leave me a comment if you are... or, idk. JUST LET ME KNOW PLEASE! Sorry for such a short chapter but more to come! Promise.

"Connor, come to the restroom with me!" Zack said.

"No- why would I?-" Connor was cut off. "No, you said you would do what I said or else... everyone knows!" "Alright fine," I replied following him into the restroom.

*goes into a stall*

"Coming?" Zack asked, "yeah what ever..." Connor said getting mad.

"Take off your shirt." Zack said.
*Connor takes his shirt off.*

Zack leans in close, closing the gap between them.

Zack moaned a bit when Connor kissed him.

"You are so cute." Zack said.

"Shut up! I am tired of this!" Connor shouted holding back tears.

"This is only day one!" Zack said as Connor pushed him against the wall harder.

"Alright! That's enough for today!" Zack finally said.

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