Birthday Suprise

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The next day was Judes birthday.
*at school*
Jude and Connor where sitting next to another and talking. "Hey Connor!" Jude said "I have some news!" Jude followed up. "What is it?" Asked Connor, "It is my birthday!" Jude replied.
"Are either of you jude" a girl holding cupcakes says as she looks at Connor and Jude. "He is," said Connor. "Then these are for you." She said in return. "Okay thanks" Jude replies. "What's this?" Connor asks, "I don't know." Jude says. "How does a cupcake delivery girl know before me?" Connor asked, "I don't think that- that is really her name." Jude replies as they both laugh.
After school-
That night Callie planed a party. When Jude walked how from school Callie and everyone made sure that they were home before him. "Suprise!" Everyone shouted when Jude walked in through the door. "Wait, you told everyone about me secret party?" Asked Jude, "well now we are adopted so we don't have to keep it a secret anymore." Callie replied smiling. Jude looked around and noticed that Connor was there.
"Hey Jude!" Connor says, "Ah, The Beetles!" Lena shouted with a smile. Connor looking confused, "It's a band that old people like." Jude says. "Okay ouch!" Lena replies.
Everyone gets situated as they bring out cake. "Make a wish!" Brandon shojted as Jude closed his eyes and blew out the candles. Jude laughs with everyone.

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