Chapter 2.

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Eren awoke to sunlight streaming into the room, the gentle rays playing on his face as the light danced through the curtains, the material fluttering in the light breeze. He stretched, looking down when he felt a weight on his chest, smiling softly when he see that it was Levi. The smaller male was curled up beside Eren, his head resting on the brunettes chest.
Eren softly brushed a strand of Levi's hair from his face, the ravenette stirring at the soft touch. He smiled, watching as Levi shifted before his silvery grey eyes were blinking open and staring up at Eren.
"Good morning, my beautiful husband." Eren said softly.
Levi smiled and leaned up to kiss Eren softly, the bed covers slipping down to reveal more of his soft, milky skin.
"Good morning my delightfully handsome husband."
Eren chuckled and sat up, stretching away the sleep in his muscles as Levi rolled off of him with a painful groan.
"Are you okay?" Eren asked.
"Yeah, just a slight ache." He muttered.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I never meant to be so rough." He apologised, helping Levi sit up.
"Eren, I'm fine. It's not like it's a serious pain. Just a dull ache."
"Sorry, I should have warned you that-" Levi quickly cut Eren off with a sweet kiss.
"I'm fine."
"Okay." Eren smiled softly, knowing better than to argue with Levi of all people.
"Breakfast in bed?" Levi offered him, swinging his legs off the bed and grabbing Eren's white shirt he'd been wearing the night before and slipping it on. He grabbed some clean boxers, putting them on before tuning to face Eren, the brunette happily watching Levi.
"Please tell me you count as breakfast as long as it's in bed?" Eren asked, trying his luck.
Levi laughed softly, leaning over and kissing Eren. "I count as dessert but seeing as you asked so nicely.." Levi trailed off and climbed back into bed, crawling over Eren and kissing his neck. "I'll treat you after breakfast. Fair?"
Eren nodded, a happy grin on his face. "Definitely fair." He answered, kissing Levi softly.
"Good." Levi slipped off the bed, making his way downstairs to prepare himself and Eren some breakfast.
"God, I am the luckiest husband in the world." Eren said to himself, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.
Levi fried up bacon and eggs, adding tomatoes and mushrooms. He buttered the toast and then made their tea before placing it all on a tray and heading back to their bedroom.
"I need to get you a maid outfit." Eren said as his eye travelled up and down Levi's body as he walked in.
He loved it when Levi wore his clothes not just because he looked absolutely adorable in them but also the fact that they were all too big for him, his tops and shirts reaching Levi's mid thigh.
"One of your fantasies?" Levi teased, placing the tray beside Eren's bedside table and earning a slap across his ass cheeks.
"Anything with you in is a fantasy." He smirked, taking the tea, ducking as Levi slapped him around the back of the head.
"Can't keep it in your pants for more than five minutes, can you?"
"I'm not wearing any pants, darling."
Levi laughed and sat beside Eren, the pair eating their breakfast together as they talked. When they had finished Levi put both plates and cups back on the tray, smiling as Eren pulled him over and onto his lap, resulting in him now straddling the brunette.
"So... Do I get my treat now?" He asked, kissing Levi's throat softly, making the other release a small moan of pleasure.
"You do." Levi whispered, leaning down and connecting their lips.
The kiss started off slow and gentle, romantic even as Eren placed his hands on Levi's hips and Levi draped his arms over Eren's shoulders, their lips in sync as their bodies moved as one, melting into each other's touch. Things began to get heated as Eren licked Levi's bottom lip, gaining entrance as he pulled Levi closer, the smaller male deepening the kiss. Before things could go any further Levi's phone began to ring, separating the couple.
Sighing, Levi reached over and grabbed his phone. "Hello."
"Levi, it's Erwin. You and Eren are needed now!" He said, sounding out of breath.
"What do you mean now? What's going on?" Levi asked.
Eren frowned as he looked at Levi, watching his husbands facial expressions change as he tried to listen in and see if he could catch what Erwin was saying.
"We've tracked down Black Mask to Trost Forest. Head to the station, get your bulletproof vests and meet us here." He ordered.
"Will do." He hung up and turned to Eren. "No time for this. Later." He quickly climbed off Eren, grabbing a fresh set of clothes. Black, slim fitted pants and a black shirt. The vest was always heavy and made it get hot easily so he opted to not put his blazer on.
"What's going on?" Eren asked as he slipped his black pants on and blue shirt, leaving his blazer off like Levi.
"They've got Black Mask up in Trost Forest. Not got him as in captured but got him as in he's there and cornered there" Levi explained, slipping his holster on.
"About damn time. He's been off the grid for a while." Eren growled as he holstered his gun as did Levi.
Black Mask, known by his name for only wearing a black mask in his killings, was a ruthless serial killer who'd been terrorising Maria for almost ten years. He'd always resurface around February time before killing and then disappearing around April.
"We don't have much time. Black Mask knows he's trapped now and will do anything to escape, even taking out a few officers if it comes to it..." Levi stopped what he was doing, his eyes suddenly flicking to his engagement and wedding ring.
"Hey, it'll be okay." Eren soothed, coming up behind him.
"I hope so." Levi said softly.
"Come on. The longer we take, the further Black Mask escapes."
Eren pulled up at the rendezvous point, spotting Erwin right away. He and Levi got out the car, adjust their bulletproof vests as they walked over to their team. Erwin was stood with his officers, Jean, Bertholdt, Reiner, Isabel, Connie, Mike, Hanji, Gunter, Erd, Petra, and Farlan all stood in front of him, waiting for Eren and Levi to join them. Levi stayed close to Eren as they walked over, worry slowly starting to creep through him. He and Eren were the only couple on their team and as much use as it could be, it was also highly dangerous for them both. If a criminal found out that they were married they could take either one of them for ransom or for vengeance against one or the other. Sometimes Levi hated that they both worked for the force.
"Right, we all know how this works. Do not approach him, call for backup if you find him." Erwin said.
"What if he finds us?" Farlan asked.
"Press this." Erwin held up a watch, handing one to each of the officers. "This red button should go on the underside of your wrist, sitting on your veins. This is so if you get into trouble you can press it without him noticing. When we head in we will slowly break apart to search, being cautious at all times. Am I clear?"
The officers nodded, putting the watches on and removing any they had been wearing before.
"Let's go." Erwin said, walking forwards with his officers.
Eren pulled Levi back a bit and pressed a soft, loving kiss to his lips. "Stay safe." He whispered.
"Always." Levi whispered back.
They joined the others, walking beside each other until the group began to split up, Eren and Levi walking further away from each other until every officer was searching on their own.
Levi slowly walked through the forest, eyes scanning the area as he silently walked, listening out for anything that might be Black Mask. He loved silence, preferring it to loud noise, hence why he and Eren lived in the small town but he couldn't stand this silence, the silence that just screamed something was wrong, the tension so thick in the air it was suffocating. Levi practically jumped a foot in the air when he heard a twig snap, his heart racing as he began to tremble lightly. Normally Levi would be composed, calm as he searched for the one being pursued but this wasn't a normal chase, this wasn't a normal pursuit. This was them hunting Black Mask, a merciless killer who had raped, tortured and killed three women and eight men over nine years, the man who threatened the lives of the police of Maria.
Just stay calm Levi, stay calm, he told himself.
As he continued walking more snaps echoed around him, not being able to make out which direction they were coming from. It seemed like they were coming from all directions but that wasn't possible.
"Team, regroup." Erwin's voice instructed over the ear link. About time, Levi thought.
Levi looked around when something caught his eyes, something shiny. Crouching down, he brushed some leaves aside and picked up a silver necklace, a small cross dangling from it. He stood back up and holstered his gun, pressing the link in his ear.
"Guys, I've found what appears to be Amy-" He cut off when a terrifying sound hit his ears. The sound of heavy breathing. Levi turned round and screamed in fright as he came face to face with Black Mask. The man tackled Levi to the ground, his gun flying from his holster as a hand was roughly pressed against his mouth when he tried to scream again.
No! No, please, Eren, please, help me, help me! Levi internally screamed, struggling under Black Mask. The man above him pinned his wrists above his head as he removed the hand from his mouth. Levi took this opportunity and screamed as loud as he could until the hand was slapped back over his mouth.
He was suddenly hauled to his feet, Black Mask wrapping one arm around his neck and keeping the hand over his mouth whilst the other hand grabbed his gun, his own gun, which was then pressed to his temple, the safety off.
"Play nice and I won't kill you painfully." He growled in Levi's ears.
Tears streamed down Levi's face as he felt lips connect with his neck, biting and sucking harshly at the pale skin, making Levi scream behind the hand, furiously struggling to get free. It hurt Levi, he could feel the skin bruising. Eren was the only one who should be biting or sucking the skin, not a serial killer. Levi's panic went into overdrive when he felt a hand trail down his chest and to his thighs, the small male stomping as hard as he possibly could on Black Masks foot. The man growled in pain, making his hold on Levi weaken. Using this to his advantage, the ravenette elbowed him and ran.
"Eren!" He shrieked, before he was tackled to the ground, a pain filled scream leaving his lips as Black Mask turned him onto his back and stood above him.
"You really shouldn't have done that." He growled, aiming the gun at Levi and firing...
Eren sighed quietly, not liking how silent it was. He holstered his gun and walked over to where everyone was gathering, his worry starting to worsen when he didn't see Levi.
"He's gone I bet." Erd growled, the others nodding in agreement.
Eren was about to speak when Levi's voice came through their ear links.
"Guys, I've found what appears to be Amy-"
He suddenly cut off, the others within the group looking at each other in confusion. That confusion soon turned to fear when Levi screamed.
"Levi!" Eren yelled, turning and bolting in the direction in which the scream came, Erwin right beside him as their team ran with them. "I knew I shouldn't have fucking left him!" Eren yelled when they came to a halt, looking around.
"Le-" Erwin was cut off when another scream, much louder this time, echoed around them, birds flying off in distress.
"Levi!" Eren yelled, looking around and trying to decide which way the scream came from.
"Which way was he walking?" Hanji demanded.
"South." Erwin answered.
"Eren!" Levi shrieked. The team bolted in the direction in which it came, Eren now frantic as another scream echoed around the forest, the team skidding to a stop when Erwin see something. He knelt down and picked it up before turning to his team.
"It's Levi's badge so they can't be far from here." Erwin told them, pocketing the credentials.
Eren looked around, trying to pinpoint exactly which way Levi had run, turning back to face his team when a sound hit their ears, making everyone jump. This sound was so terrifying that everything seemed to fall silent. The birds, the wind. Silent. No sound would ever terrify Eren more than the one he just heard, the brunette paling as his breathing suddenly increased. Levi hadn't screamed, hadn't yelled his name. Levi had fallen silent the moment they heard the gun fired...

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